1937-1938 Las Vegas City Directory

Al’s Bar
111 S 1st St...........................
Apache Bar
106 N 2nd...............................
Barrel House
22 Fremont .........................
Double O Bar 217 N 1st ...
Ethel’s Liquor Store & Bar
28 Fremont ..........................
Exchange Bar
123 S 1st .............................
Franks Bar
109 S 1st................................
Fremont Tavern
101 Fremont ........................
Golden Camel
110 N. 1st .............................
Grotto The
Salt Lake Highway ..........
124 S 1st ...........................
L A Beer Parlor
Boulder Highway .............
Las,Vegas Tavern
21 Fremont ........................
Mission Baj*
131 Fremont ......................
Nevada Club
115 N 1st ...........................
Sal Sagev Tavern Inc
1 Fremont ................
Schlitz Palm Garden
Salt Lake Highway ..........
Silver Dollar Bar
104 N 1st ......................... .
Tivoli Tavern
126 N 1st ...........................
Apache Restaurant
128 Fremont ....
New Overland Cafe
4 Fremont ......
Oasis Cafe
123 Fremont....
Oklahoma Cafe
220 N 1st.....
Silver Cafe
106 N 1st.........
State Cafe
20 Fremont ...
White Spot Cafe
109 Fremont .
Bank Club
Boulder Club
Las Vegas club
Northern Club
1937-1938 Las Vegas Telephone Directory listings for Clubs
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Based on a work at http://over50vegas.com/index.html.

This is a non-commercial, educational, hobby site. Images on this site are from our personal collection and from personal collections of fellow enthusiasts who have shared their scans with us.  Other images are noted by source with links to the original.  If you feel that any image used here has infringed upon fair use of an image you hold the copyright to, please contact us at the links above and it will be credited or removed at your request. 
Sources you might want to visit for more information include: 
Newspaper Archive    Newspapers.com   UNLV Digital Collection    UNLV Reno   Las Vegas Sun     mypubliclibrary.com   
TCR numbers are used by express permission of SSS Publishing publishers of The Chip Rack.

Directories / Classified listings still to come as I get them processed:
1943 through 1950
1952 through 1954
1959 through 1964
1970 through 1977
Thanks to the  Cahlan Research Library at the Nevada State Library.
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