American Legion (colored) meet every 1st and 3d Friday
American Legion H S Baldwin commander 209 8 3d
Big Four Club 116 S 1st
BUOULDER CLUB INC 118 Fremont—335
Boy Scouts of America A W Blackman field exec 2 Bed
Builders Exchange J Harvey Lynch sec 105 S Main—72
Business & Professional Women’sub Orpha A Mllle
ii 3d Monday office 215 1/2 Fremont
Chamber of Commerce Nye Wilson sec 3d Sc Fremont-
Christian Science Society 112 Fremont
Exchange Club 123 S 1st—131
Kiwanls Club A S Henderson pres meets Wed noon A[
Las Vegas Club 21 Fremont—28
Lions Club DrER Myers pres meets at noon Mon Apt
Northern Club 15 Fremont
Parent-Teachers Assn meets 5th Mon 3:30 p m at High
Rainbow Club 131 S 1st
Rotary Club R J Newton sec meets Thun noon OPD
20-30 Club Clair Wadsworth pres meets
U P Athletic Club XJ P grounds
U P Shop Employees Assn A T Stone sec U P grounds
Apache Cafe 130 Fremont‚ 687
Arrowhead Lunch 203 N Main
Barozzi Angelo 231 N 2d
barton M C Mrs 20514 S 1st
Bill's Lunch 113 N 1st
boulder Cafe—122 Fremont
busy Bee Cafe 105 N 1st
City Cafe 100 N 1st
Coney Island Lunch 207 8 1st
Covered Wagon Lunch 13 Fremont
Dam Hamburger Stand 111 S 1st
Eureka Chocolate Shop 219 Stewart
Exchange Cafe 125 S 1st
Fountain Grill 604 8 5th“-'Si/*'.
Gateway Cafe 227 N Main
Grace George 101 Carson
Jack Pot Lunch 122 N 1st
Jim's Cafe 121% 8 1st
Kelly Cafe N Main 1 ml n of city
Las Vegas Cafe 17 Fremont
McCarty T L 109 S 5th
Mecca Cafe 213 N 2d
Midget Cafe 110 8 1st
Newman M F Mrs 312 N 2d
Oasis Cute 123 Fremont—144
Overland Hotel Cafe 4 Fremont . !
Rainbow Buffet 133 S 1st—155’/4r
Red Rooster Cafe S 5th 4 ml s of city—2201
Rex Coffee Shop 307% N Main
Rivero Frank 115a N 1st,
Romantic Inn S Main nr S 5th
Savoy Cale 226 Fremont—362
Schhragle Albert 118 N 1st::|;.t
Shady Lunch 209 N Main
Shady Spot Cafe Charleston blvd w of UPRy
Silver State Coffee Shop 101 S 5th
STATE CAFE 20 Fremont—482
Strauss Jacob 209 ½  N Main
Texas Moon Cafe 1849 N Main st
Tourists' Lunch Room 301 N Main
Town Barbecue 506 Fremont
Union Hotel Cafe 231 S Main—457
Union Pacific System Restaurant U P Depot
Victory Cafe 120 S 2d
Washington J 20 Stewart
Watts Addle L Mrs 325 S 2d—181•
White Spot Cafe 109 Fremont-JS5
Yee Don 202 N 1st
York Wiilliam 320 N 2d

1932-1933 Las Vegas City Directory

The Busy Bee Cafe at 105 N.1st was near the police station in downtown Las Vegas. It
is listed in the telephone directory above. 
Read more about it in this transcript.
Busy Bee Cafe':   (in the early 1940's) 
        In the morning, we would take the jail prisoners up to the Busy Bee. The jail fronts the street, 115 N. 2nd  and a fellow would take them around and go up the alley. The Busy Bee was right on the corner. We fed the prisoners there; those workers ate in the Busy Bee Cafe morning and night. Now, they didn’t order from the menu; they got whatever.... If you were a working prisoner, that’s what you did. It cost the city 25 cents for each meal.
{excerpted from UNLV Oral History project of George L. Ullom: Politics and Development in Las Vegas, 1930s-1970s  by Jamie Coughtry
Published: 1989- UNOHP Catalog #151}
1932-1933 Las Vegas City Directory listings for Clubs
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Sources you might want to visit for more information include: 
Newspaper Archive   UNLV Digital Collection    UNLV Reno   Las Vegas Sun   
TCR numbers are used by express permission of SSS Publishing publishers of The Chip Rack.

Directories / Classified listings still to come as I get them processed:
1943 through 1950
1952 through 1954
1959 through 1964
1970 through 1977
Thanks to the  Cahlan Research Library at the Nevada State Library.
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