1934 Las Vegas City Directory

Apache Bar 106 N 2d—217
Barrel House 22 Fremont
Golden Camel Bar 110 N 1st—737
Little Casino Bar 303 N Main
Mission Bar 131 Fremont
Nevada Club 115 N 1st—243
Rainbow Cafe 133 S 1st
Rex Bar 124 S 1st
Tivoli Tavern 126 N 1st—396
Sal Sagev
FREMONT 'Main business thoroughfare divides city North and South)—East from Main
----- U P System 4
1 Sai Sagev Hotel Fountain
3 Overland Hotel 59
3 Sal S&gev Hotel 1C “ J F Miller * 10
4 Vacant
5 Vacant
6 Neal DeWltt (photo*
7 G R Price (barber)
8 Vacant
9 Las Vegas Transfer & Tax:
Co 147
“ Nevada Motor Transport Co 679
9 1/2  Louis Wiener Co (tailor) 661
10 T M Carroll rl est) 99
11 Roosevelt Title Ins Co 238 E W Allen (real estate j
12 The Toggery
13 Trail Cafe
14 Clark Building
15 Northern Club 85 15 % Northern Hotel
17 Las Vegas Cafe
18 Sprouse Reitz Co
19 Las Vegas Hotel
19Vi Jos Levine ».lunch)
20 State Cafe 582
21 Las Vegas Club 28
22 Barrel House
24 Nevada Shoe Repair
25 Beckley's (clo) 27
26 Vacant
28 Ethels Delicatessen 117
30 Oak Hotel 341
32 Las Vegas Pharmacy 31
122 Cut Rate Mkt 231
122 Boulder Cafe
123 Oasis Cafe 144
123 1/2 Vacant
124 Blue Cab Taxi 760
128 Pache Club 762
129 Carroll Gift & Toggery 99R
130 Apache Cafe
130 Apache Barber Shop
131 Mission Bar
Second Intersects
Cor 2d Thompson Transfer 621
201 White Cross Drug Co 97
203 Las Vegas Hardware 219
207 Arrowhead Trail Garage 5
209 Mrs Bertha Ronzone (ladies’ wear) 599
211 Fanny’s Dress Shop 659
213 Safeway Stores 320
214 Lee Hughes (pool)
215 1/2 Colonial Ready to Wear Shop 799
216 A W Peterson (photo)
218 Simon Service Inc 200
218 Nevada Beauty Shop 225
219 Delkin Building
219 1/2 Grand Hotel 393
221 Cut Rate Mkt 231
224 L V Mercury Corp 370
225 J H Umbaugh (jeweler) 636
225  K M Dixon (Opt)
225  L V Florist 386
231 City Drug Store 767
Third Intersects
300 J M Sill (restr)
301 Grant’s Super Service 707
305 Sewell's (groc) 61
309 Jack Price (clo) 771
311 MW Davis & Co 676
312 Vacant
313 Hollywood Style Shop 688
314 El Portal Theatre 114
315 Kramer Bldg
315 Brandings Market 67
316 El Portal Elec Co 114
318 El Portal Theatre Bldg
319 J C Penney Co 194 Boggs Bldg
322 Mrs Anna Coughlin * 511
323 Golden Hotel 122
324 Vacant
Fourth Intersects
401 Mrs Sina Morris * 394
404 W E Ferron * 83
410 W R Bracken * 48
411 Chas P Pop Squires * 46 4
411 1/2 Las Vegas Age * 7
414 L A McNamee * 215J
415 Gore’s Barber Shop
417 L Young (trans) 135
419 Office Equipment Co 369
421 Professional Pharmacy 378
423 L V Genl Eiec 13
425 Professional Building
Cor 1st First State Bank 
101 Mesquite Grocery 15
103 Mesquite Building
104 J T Ullom (hdwe) 
104 Bracken Apparel Shop 474
105 Missing
106 Cut Rate Mkt
107 Western Union Bldg
107 Western Union 423
108 Vacant -
109 White Spot Cafe 565
110 Ward’s Cash Grocery 112
111 Vegas Sweet Shoppe 107
112 Marion’s Dance Academy
113 B P O E 207
113 S & S Variety Store 296
114 R H Nanney (shoe repairs)
115 Eagles Bldg
115 O K Adcock (dry goods) 176
116 Nifty Cleaners 305
118 Boulder Club Inc 335
118 Boulder Taxi 345-335
118 1/2 Veterans Foreign Wars Hall,
121 Griffith Building
121 Boulder Drug Co Inc 88 
121 Dannelly Hotel 615
1934 Las Vegas City and Telephone Directory listings for Clubs
Mayme Stocker (Mrs. O. C. Stocker) and an unidentified man in costume at the Helldorado Parade
standing near the  Las Vegas Hotel at 19 Fremont in 1934.
Mayme Stocker owned the Northern Club at 15 Fremont and was awarded gaming license #1 when gambling was legalized in Nevada.
Courtesy UNLV Digital Collection      http://digital.library.unlv.edu:81/u?/pho,8405
Mayme Stocker (Mrs. O. C. Stocker) and an unidentified man in costume at the Helldorado Parade
standing near the  Las Vegas Hotel at 19 Fremont in 1934.
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Over50Vegas.com by Over50Vegas.com is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at http://over50vegas.com/index.html.

This is a non-commercial, educational, hobby site. Images on this site are from our personal collection and from personal collections of fellow enthusiasts who have shared their scans with us.  Other images are noted by source with links to the original.  If you feel that any image used here has infringed upon fair use of an image you hold the copyright to, please contact us at the links above and it will be credited or removed at your request. 
Sources you might want to visit for more information include: 
Newspaper Archive    Newspapers.com   UNLV Digital Collection    UNLV Reno   Las Vegas Sun     mypubliclibrary.com   
TCR numbers are used by express permission of SSS Publishing publishers of The Chip Rack.

Directories / Classified listings still to come as I get them processed:
1943 through 1950
1952 through 1954
1959 through 1964
1970 through 1977
Thanks to the  Cahlan Research Library at the Nevada State Library.
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