Las Vegas Telephone Listings

The 1931 Las Vegas telephone directory shows many clubs in the city just prior to the legalization of gambling.
However at the time, alcohol sales were still illegal so you don't see the name “bar" or "cocktail lounge" in the listings.
The 1931 directory did not have classified advertising that I could find.
The entire Las Vegas section of the Nevada phone book for 1931 is only five pages long.
Don't forget you can use your browser's "FIND in page" function to locate any word.
Elko County Til & Tel Co ILrmrr Pay Sta . 10
Elko Lamoille Power Co power house    .10-F0121
Griswold & Henderson
Miller Ranch                               . 7-F4
Sheep Ranch                               7-F12
Ten Mile Ranch                             .7-F32
Hankins & Bellinger Co ranch                 7-F14
Heith Ed ranch                              .10-F4
Helix Ralph ranch                          10-F12
Hennen George ranch                          7*F2
Hennen Joe ranch   '     . 7-F31
Lamoille Hotel       . 7-F012
Laberski Bob ranch ___;         .-       .10-F012
Lorando C Butler ranch                    10-F021
Lytton Ed ranch                  .10-F011
McKinney John ranch                       .10-F11
Moffat H Co Clubine Ranch          10-F032
Ogilvie Pete ranch                     . . 10-F121
Patterson Webster ranch . . .:              .10-F14
Pleasant Valley Ranch Co Holland Ranch
Reinken Charles ranch                      10-F5
Strange Frank ranch             7-FU
Sustacha, Jose ranch      *                  10-F022
Trescartes Chas ranch                  . . 10-F31
Trott Harry ranch                        .10-F031
Voight Fred ranch                          10-F21
Westlund Andrew ranch                10-F0111
Westlund Charles A ranch                 .7-F013
LAS VEGAS  1931 Telephone listings
Southern Nevada Telephone Co.
S. J. Lawson. Manager
Adams H ft r 114 S 6th       *            . 507
Adcock 0 K r 420 S 3rd        . 176-J
Adcock & Ronnow gen mdse 115 Fremont  .176
Age Las Vegas office 411 Vi Fremont.'            .7
Printing Office 421 ½  Fremont         7-J
Allen Frank r Taylor Ranch N of town.         240
Allen Grant S r 2nd & Wyoming          466
Allen W H r S 7th. . . . >      287
Amos T L r 615 Ogden.: . .'                   51?
Anderson Harry dairy S15* Fremont.             .177
Anderson Harry r SW of town *. 415
Arnett L A r 14 Lewis 309
Arnold Maude 7th & Ogden  .'           . 462
Arrowhead Trail Garage 207 Fremont              .5
Austin Don r 325 S'1st                . . 354
Ayers B J r 521 S 3rd                  232
Baggage & Express Railroad Station  . 29
Bailey C M r 305 S 6th                 .  . .257
Bairs Sign Shop 309 N Main             . A   .437
Baker C O civil engr 11 Fremont.        ’   .238
Balcom R B Or r 3rd & Gas          312
Ball Emily R r 210 N 7 th                     291
Baji  bajl  Nellie r 7th & Ogden            . 497
Bank of Southern Nevada 5 Fremont         . . 152
Barrett B r Westside            . *             189
Bash Margaret r 632 S 4th     *              .198
Basom J Mrs r 512 Bridger       . 384
Bates W B Shell Oil Station S 5th            .441
Bawden Daisy Mrs r 232 S 2nd            . . 51-R
Bebeck Servlet Station 12th di Fremont    .139
Beckerman Chas City Iron Works 309 S 1st   .282
Beckley Will men's funs 26 Fremont    .   27
Beckley Will r 120 S 4th        521
Bettelheim Phil furniture 429 Fremont         438
Bishop R H r Westside      512
Black C J r Westside. 181
Blackman Alfred Bus Serv Berkley Bldg.;       500
Blanding Harry r Charleston Blvd        i     . 35
Blanding’s Packing House SW of Town         35-J
Blanding’s Palace Meat Market 28 Fremont. 67
Bogg's Bros Grocery 22 Fremont. .*        .65
Boggs 0 C r 9th & Carson.*. 121.
Boulder Club 119 Fremont. * .335
Boulder Drug Co 110 Fremont.-.  #% •• L      .88.
Boulder Lumber Co 409 S 2nd,* ,    ;.f. .324
Boulder Realty Corp H 2nd  .    .   .169!
Boulder Service Station 5th & Fremont.♦ 258
Boulder Wrecking Co N 6th                    554
Boyer C C State Highway Engr Beckley Bldg--307
Boyer C C  132 N 7th                              106
1931 Las Vegas Telephone Listings -
Courtesy of the Nevada State Museum- Las Vegas     
Scan by Over50Vegas.com
Bracken Walter R V Land & Water Co  401 S 2nd 30
Bracken Walter R r 410 Fremont          48
Bradford C H r C21 S 3rd                       211
Brannon E L 121 N 4th                       .492
Bray C C Mrs rooming hse 303 S Main        348
Breeze C D ally 115 S 2nd                      .8
Breeze C D r 612 S 5th                        269
Bridge & Building Dept Railroad Grounds       .222
Brigham C R r 307 S 3rd                      522
Brown Pearl Mrs r 321 S 2nd                   426
Building & Loan Assn 216 Fremont             192
Bunker Bryan r S 6th                          480
Bureau of Reclamation N of Town               .90
Burgess Wm R chiropractor 119% S 2nd        .344
Business Service Beckley Bldg               500
Buzick H Southern Nevada Bank 5 Fremont 152
Buzick H r  209 S 8th        ,            103
Cahlan A E Las Vegas Eve Review Journal
113 S 1st. 6
Cahlan A E r 600 S 6th                280
Cahlan J F 612 Bridger                        .347
California Apts 232 S 2nd                    51-R
Callahan J J r 114 N 5th           . 317
Car Foreman's Ofc Railroad Grounds          32
Car Inspector's Ofc Railroad Grounds          113
Carner H A r 215 S 6th 421
Carroll T rl est 10 Fremont            . . 99
Carroll T r 118 S 3rd                      99-J*
Carroll Toggery Shop 129 Fremont           . 99-R
Case H Foreman So Nev Power Co 109 S 2nd. 258
Case H r 513 Bridger                           143
Cashman James garage 107 N Main         116-J
Cashman James r 215 N     . 81
Cashman’s Garage 107 N Main                   116
Cashman's Paint Shop 11th & Fremont         .228
Catholic Church 2nd & Bridger       .* .   138
Cemetery N of Town          92
Central Labor Union Boulder Club Bldg. .      391
Chamber of Commerce Delkin Bldg              .204
Chierotti Jose cafe S Main at Union Hotel      457
Christian H C Richfield Oil Co 310 S Main.
Christian H C   r   607 Ogden                 . 106
City Iron Works    309   S 1st.
City Jail N 2nd City of Las Vegas
Assessor Courthouse              
Attorney Beckley Bldg              
Auditor Courthouse     . .  .      .
Clerk Courthouse                   
Health Officer 115 N 2nd             
Jail N 2nd                            
Municipal Court Morse Bldg             .
Police Dept N 2nd                      
Recorder Courthouse . . .             
Treasurer Courthouse                
City Laundry & Grease House N Main 6 Ogden
Clark County of
Auditor Courthouse              . 76
Clerk Courthouse            11
Coroner Clark Bldg .  
District Atty Courthouse                M  . 18
District Judge Courthouse       . 18*J
Farm Bureau 126 N 2nd.          „ .V       159
Health Officer 325 S 2nd                 . .Ill
High School S 7th            . 466
Hospital Charleston Blvd             193
Jail N 2nd                     . .;7-__________ . 64
Poor Farm Charleston Blvd,  „. 193
Recorder Courthouse . . . *                . 76
Road Dept Charleston Bird                .193-J
Sheriff Courthouse              .  .V .      77
Treasurer Courthouse h  .: . • 71
Clark County Gas Co 106 S 2nd 262
Residence 314 Lewis              . 220
Clark County Wholesale Mercantile Co .* • • r * 428 S Main .351
Clark Ed W r 429 S Main           . .346
Cline Pat Boulder Addition.,         . I      .510
Coca Cola Bottling Works 125 N main         .247
Coheir Louis atty Delkin Bldg     .2
Cohen M D Cohn Court 216 N 5th     428
Company Rooming House 401 S 2nd         . 30
Conger E H dentist 121 Fremont  ./      119
Conklin Howard Mrs r Sit S 4th      -        .132
Boulder Club at 118 Fremont. 
Connell W M Nev Adjustment Co Charleston Blvd 252
Cook P 0 r 416 5 4th                 163
Corey F Railroad Yard*         32
Corey F r 612 S 3rd                       283
Cornish R M Mrs r 501 Bridger            . 195
Corradetti F L V Cleaning Works 14 Fremont    .33
Coughlin J J r 322 Fremont                   . 511
Cragin E W r 320 S 3rd                        .202
Cragin & Pike box ofc El Portal Bldg        114-J
Radio Shop El Portal Bldg                114-R
Real Estate A Insurance El Portal Bldg . . 114<J
Craig Geo C r N of Town                   . 240-J
Crane Jack Mrs r 125 S 3rd \             541
Credit Bureau Delkin Bldg. r               . 272
Crowe Gerald r 429 S Main                     .346
Crownholm Charles taxi 2nd A Fremont 556
Crownholm Charles r 0 th A Fremont           . 557
Crump Martha r 124 S 3rd . 125
Crump Martha S rl est 6 ins 124 S 3rd  . 125
Cut Rate Market     Carson                 .300
D & D Transfer ofc S Main   551
Residence Westside      . . . 552
d'Amours Z A Dr r 125 S 3rd 301
Dase Chas r 409 H S Main               322
Davidson Dave r 429 S 5th              . 333
Davidson Earl Chief Engineer P F E Ice Co S Main 26
Davis Gift Shop 6 Fremont                  . 555
Davis M W jewelry 6 Fremont                  555
Dayton Darrell r 818 S 7th            . 475
Desert Bakery     620 S 1st                       .187
Desert Chevrolet Co 207 S Main                160
Desert Construction Co 112 N 5th               16
Desert Iron Works 120 N 8th 532
De Vinney F C assessor Courthouse        . 74
Dimock C L National Ice Co Main A Bridger    . 75
Dimock C L  r 133 N 10th                     216
Dispatcher's Ofc Railroad Station            53
District Attorney Harmon Courthouse          18
Dotson J M r 209 S 4th 173
Down Jas H James H Texaco Gas Station Main & Carson. 89
Downtown Camp Main St Stewart. .    196
Doyle Clarence r 317 N 7th     . 206
Drew Electric Shop 131 N Main        179
Duffill Albert atty Ray Prof Bldg            . 36
Duffill Albert r 432 Fremont                    170
Dupray E F atty 115 Carson.            . 525
Earl I J Las Vegas Coal & Ice Main & Lewis 34
Earl I J r 310 S 6th 190
Electric Service Co 131 N Main            . 179
Elk’s Club 113 Fremont                      .207
El Portal Theatre 310 Fremont            . 114
Equity Store Westside  . 95
Exchange Pool Hail 133 S 1st                131
Express & Baggage Ofc Railroad Station    29
Farm Bureau 126 N 2nd                  . 159
Farrimond W B r 617 Carson                   431
Federal & State Employment Ofc 119 N Main 531
Feetham A J 536 S 4th                   . 465
Ferguson It Balcom Hospital 325 S 2nd         .Ill
Ferguson F M Dr r 702 S 6th.             234
Ferron E A Boulder Realty Corp 218 Fremont. . 169
Ferron E A r 3rd St Calif                      .546
Ferron W E Las Vegas Pharmacy 32 Fremont    31
Ferron W E t 404 Fremont                    . 83
Finney J L rl est 119 S 2nd          :        .518
Finney J L r 522 S 7th           447
First State Bank 102 Fremont              1
Flx it Shop Flx-it-Shop 110 S 2nd                          298
Flaharty L W r 619 S 2nd         . 289
Fletcher G A plumbing shop 8th St Stewart    . .218
Flickinger lone r 317 S 1st .                323
Foley Roger atty Clark Bldg              . 274
Foley Roger r Califomie bet 2nd A 3rd . 358
Foremaster J F r N of Town.                . 299
Fransis Beauty Shop 111 S Main               .525
Frazier Maude Superintendent High School    466
Frazier Maude r 227 S 7th             .      166
Freight Ofc Railroad Grounds               3*J
Fulton W G r 428 S 4th            336
Gallagher P J rl est   real estate & ins 124 Fremont:  . 305
Gambill H M atty Delkin Bldg                2D
Gateway Hotel  Main & Stewart              366
Gay Sam sheriff Courthouse  Sam Gay       .77
Gay Sam r 811 S 3rd            . 253
Photograph of Sheriff Sam Gay, Las Vegas   Courtesy UNLV Digital Collection
Photograph of Sheriff Sam Gay, Las Vegas
Photograph of Mayor J. Fred Hesse, Las Vegas   Courtesy UNLV Digital Collection
Photograph of Mayor J. Fred Hesse, Las Vegas   Courtesy UNLV Digital Collection
Gelber Electric Shop 112 N 3rd          .
General Construction Corp Wcst«ide     .
General Foreman's Ofc Railroad Grounds .
Genther Ethel r 227 S 4th            .
Geraldi Alfred Speed Taxi 120 N 1st    
German W C baegage ofc Railroad Station
German W C r 218 S 8th               
Gibbons G E 11th A Fremont           .
Gilford A L r 6th A Clark             .
Gilbert Bros Store Westside            .
Gilbert C V T r Westside               
Gile D r 418 S 1st                    .
Gilmore A T 684 S 3rd              
Golden Hotel 323 Fremont            .
Golden I R 526 S 5th                  .
Goodwin Fern 118 N 4th              
Gormley Joseph LaSalle Club            .
Graglia Joe r 331 S 3rd             .
Grammar School 4th A Bridger        
Grammar School Westside              
Grand Hotel 219 Fremont             .
Grant A C Ford Agency 118 S 4th      
Grant A C r S 7th                     
Greater L V Nev Club Fremont        
Green Lantern Club 124 N 1st           .
Green Mill Cafe Rockwell Bldg          .
Griffin R M Captain r 3rd A Hoover    .
Griffith E W r 226 S 2nd             
Griffith R B rl est 102 S 2nd           .
Griffith R B r 527 S 1st             
Groumond J P r S 7th. . . .          
Gussewelle Frank garage 107 N Main  
Gussewelle Frank r 231 S 4th          .
Haig Mildred Mrs r 513 S 1st          .
Hall Wm r 222^ S 4th / .      
Ham A W atty Mesquite Bldg. .      
Ham A W r 318 Carson              
Ham & Taylor attys Mesquite Bldg     .
Ham V G r 6th A Lewis . .      
Hammond C J r 320 S 4th             .
Hanford Geo r 711 S 6th .      .
Hansell L B r 131 N 8th              .
Hanson Amy ofc Courthouse           .
Hardman Geo Mrs r 122 N 3rd        
Harland Thomas 0 notary Delkin Bldg . .
Harmon H A dist atty Courthouse.
Harmon H A r 332 S 6th            .
Harmon A Salter attys 115 Carson   
Harrington A H rl est 116 Fremont     
Harrington A H r 508 S 2nd          
Harvey C J r 607 S 4th               
Hawkins W E r 131 N 5th-            .
Hayes Wm soft drks Main A Ogden     .
Heaton J M r 194 S 4th            .
Hemphill Chas r 609 S 3rd             .
Hemphill J R r 710 S 4th            .
Henderson A $ atty Becklcy Bldf      
Henderson A S r 9th A Garces          .
Henderson F A r 224% S 4th          .
Hcnslcr A E r 625** S 2nd              
Hesse J F r 116 N 4th       ___________
Hesse J F Mayor 121 N 2nd            .
Heweston M E Mrs r 317 Carson   ;.
High School S 7th                     .
Hile L ft r 624 S 4th                   .
Hilke L R plumbing shop 513** S 5th . .
Hinge Jack r 222 N 4th               
Hlnman A A atty Ray Prof Bldf         .
Hinman A A r 131 S 8th              .
Hodgins Thomas R r 323 Fremont   .
Holland C F r 628 S 4th. .             
Homan W M r 506 S 7th        
Honrath & Williams electricians 128 S 5th
Hooper W J U S Comm 107 S Main      .
Hooper W J r 211 S 7th              .
Horden J W r 121 S 3rd               
Horn beck W B r 326 S 3rd             .
Horsey Chas Let atty 16 Fremont. ’     .
Horsey Chas Lee r 120 S 5th           .-
Hotel Gateway N Main A Stewart.
Hottf Golden 323 Fremont             .
Hotel Grand 219 Fremont            ., .
Hotel Las Vegas 19 Fremont         
Hotel McDonald 311 N 5th             .
Hotel National 131 S 3rd..140
Hotel Nevada 6 Fremont 10
Hotel Oak 1st A Fremont*341
Hotel Overland 2 Fremont 59
Hotel Union 227 S Main.260
Hotel Village Inn 114 N 1st.306
Hotel Virginia 319 S Main368
Hotel Whitt House 105 Bridger223
Houck W C battery shop 313. Fremont.41
Housley Glen r linden bet 6th A 7th461
Huber R F Sheet Metal A Roofing Co Westside.. 432
Huffey C A r 407 Carson493
Hunt Leigh broker Clark Bldg..168
Hunt Leigh r 9th A Fremont.212
Hunting E H rl est 9 Fremont..147
Hunting E H transfer 19% Fremont210
Hunting E H r 117 N 4th.. 130
Ideal Courts S 1st 451
Interstate Transit Lines S Main A Carson..290
Jackson F A 614 Bridget. 82
Jacomini 0 Fix It Shop 120 S lit.. 298
Jacomini 0 r West side..298-J
Jazz The    club 215 N 1st..  435
Jean Henry Beauty Shop 405 Carson  536
Jeffrey J H & A G Drs r Gateway Hotel.. 388
Jenkins J G r 224 Vi N 1st. 69
Junior High School 415 S 4th.60
Kay J A r RR Yards 413
Kean Arthur S Rev r 212 Carson. . 505
Keegle P A r 716 S 4th.. 115
Keeler C 0 r 516 S 7th. 37
Kemper C r 11th A Stewart. ..:.454
Kimball O A rl est 216 Fremont ..192
Kimball O A r 10th A Ogden>>/*.'.- < r.. .w.». ^.338
Kind Leo Mrs r 212 S 5th.. . 529
King J P Clark Co Road Dept Charleston Blvd . 193-J
King J P r 6th A Linden.91
Knudson K O Superintendent Grammar Sch S 4th 157
Knudson K O r 600 S 3rd367
Kramer Adam r 321 Carson « 80
Krouse Herb r 208 S 5th..148
Lampe S Mrs Beauty Shop 102 S 2nd.329
La Salle 126 N 1st..411
Las Vegas Age office 411% Fremont .. 7
Printing Office 411% Fremont .7»J
Las Vegas Bakery 400 S 2nd,110
Las Vegas Bottling Works 432 S 3rd..87
Las Vegas Cafe 17 Fremont141
Las Vegas Cash Market 402 S 2nd.398
Las Vegas Cleaning Works 14 Fremont33
Las Vegas Club 23 Fremont.28
Las Vegas Coal A Ice Co Main A Lewis.34
Las Vegas Creamery 406 S 2nd . 399
Las Vegas Evening Review Journal 113 S 1st 6
Night Phone*—
Editorial ..280
Editorial ..347
Business .. '.321
Business  280
Las Vegas Florist 6th A Fremont.386
Las Vegas Funeral Home 431 Fremont.261
Las Vegas Grammar School 4th A Bridget .157
Las Vegas Grammar School West side..277
Las Vegas Hardware 203 Fremont 219
Las Vegas High School S 7th.466
Las Vegas Hospital 116 N 2nd .20
Las Vegas Hotel 19 Fremont303
Las Vegas Junior High School 415 S 4th..60
Las Vegas Land & Water Co 401 S 2nd 30
Las Vegas Laundry 1st A Garces319
Las Vegas Loan & Jewelry Co 109 Fremont401
Las Vegas Lumber Co 216 S Main.. 372
Las Vegas Mercantile 222 Fremont.370
Las Vegas Motor Express 129 S Main.356
Las Vegas Music Co Inc 419 Fremont  .485
Las Vegas Neon Electric Sign Co 207 S 1st540
Las Vegas Office Supply Co 116 S 4th____. 369
Las Vegas Packing Co 28 Fremont.67
Las Vegas Pharmacy 92 Fremont..31
Las Vegas Radiator Works Westside   440
Lauritzen C O Clark Co Gas Co 106 S 2nd.262
Lauritzen C O r 7th A Ogden..129
Lawson S J Gen Mgr S Nevada Power Co 109 S 2nd. .101
Lawson S J Gen Mgr S Nevada Tel Co 109 S 2nd. .101
Lawson S J r 302 Lewis. 93
Le Roy F S r 324 Fremont              538
Lewis A Gambill attys Delkin Bldg         213
Lewis J R r 425 S 2nd                 .508
Lillian Permanent Wave Shop 226 S 4th  . 84
Lincoln Hotel 307 S Main              403
Logsdon J S r 321 S 5th           . 105 *
Logsdon J S Cash Market 402 S 2nd        ..398
Long Distance Tailor Shop 224% N 1st       .69
Lowry Chas 818 S 5th               ..410
Lowry Ralph r 228 S 5th               495
Lumber Yard & Supply Co S Main A Clark    .328
Main St Groc A Market 431 S Main        ..21
Marat D O r 318 Gas          .. 446
Marshall Geo E atty 115 Carson            525
Marshall H Radio Station               455
Martelletti Tony r 6th A Linden        . 390
Martin Elizabeth r 216 \ 6th           . 427
Martin R W Dr 115 N 2nd        20
Martin R W Dr r N of Town            240-R
Master Mechanic's Ofc Railroad Grounds     56
Masterson C H dentist Ray Bldg          . 479
Masterson C H Dr r 215 S 7th            .478
Matzdorf Martha B r 105 Bridger 223
May Joe ofc N 2nd                  .. 120
May Joe r Westside                  ..267
McCall Donald r 328 S 3rd 472
McCubrey R G ofc County Jail N 2nd 64-J
McCubrey R G r 120 N‘2nd    . .9 64
McCulley D C r 608 S 4th          . 484
McDonald E C r 601 S 3rd         . 104
McDonald Hotel 311 N 5th               340
McGovern C M r 124 S 5th      . 117
McIntyre G L rl est Delkin Bldg     . 405
McIntyre G L r 516 Bridger..506
McKenzie W E r 517 S 3rd             .311
McLallen W S r 1000 Fremont . 156
McMillan W C r 525 S 1st        . 321
McNamee Leo A atty El Portal Bldg       215
McNamee Leo A r 414 Fremont      .. 215-J
McWilliams J T surveyor Mesquite Bldg      .470
McWilliams J T r Westside        214
Merritt Chapman A Scott contrs Gateway Hotel
Mesquite Grocery 101 Fremont       15
Mesquite Grocery 101 Fremont      .. 330
Metro Store 108 Fremont            ..545
Michelena Dr 115 N 2nd              20
Michelena Dr r 782 S 4th              ..315
Mikulic Sebastian r 10th A Ogden       230
Mildren F R Dr 115 N 2nd              20
Mildren F R Dr r 222 S 2nd       .. 96
Miller Frank r 308 N 1st           . 248
Miller H E r 730 S 4th               ..284
Miller Ida Mrs Happy Day Shoppe 117 S 2nd 339
Miller Ida Mrs r 117 S 2nd              339
Miller John Hotel Nevada 5 Fremont     . 10
Miller Nellie r Westside    201
Miller R D r Gateway Hotel             .459
Mineral Club 109 N 1st                .520
Minette Al rl est 218 Fremont            ..169“
Monson P A Mrs r 227 S 6th             .249
Montana House 303 S Main        .348
Moore J R 529 S 5th.     .. 524
Morse W G Judge Morse Bldg           ..433
Mosbach Transfer A Taxi S Main          .185
Residence 307 Ogden                172*
Motor Supply Co 227 S Main.;..’      .. 544-'
Mott Marion r 601 S Main        .  . 273
Mulhollen Bond Lumber Co 10th Fremont    371
Mundy W 8 ofc Railroad Telegraph Station   ..52
Mundy W B r 208 N 8th  vr:           151
Murray Walter r 11th A Ogden          .. 286
Myers R R dentist Eagles Bldg. 145
Nash Percy Chief of Police N 2nd        . 12(3
Nash Percy r 10th A Bonneville          .380
National Hotel 131 S 3rd   . 140
National Ice Co Main A Bridger         75*
Nevada Adjustment Co Charleston Blvd      252
Nevada Auto Livery 9 Fremont..*   . 14^
Nevada Bakery 24 Fremont../ ?       142
Nevada Cafe 116 S Main    <..* ., ..236
Nevada Electric 128 S 5th           316
Nevada Garage 118 S Main            135
Nevada Hotel 5 Fremont          .. 1(3
Nevada Meat Market 106 Fremont        .. 49’
Nevada Title & Abstract Cn 11 Fremont    ..238
J. T. (John Thomas) McWilliams in front of home on Westside Las Vegas.
Courtesy UNLV Digital Collection     http://digital.library.unlv.edu:81/u?/ohr,659
   J. T. McWilliams surveyed and laid out the Westside as the townsite for Las Vegas, and for a time it was known as McWilliamstown. However, later the Union Pacific Railroad laid out the Las Vegas townsite on the east side of the railroad tracks and that became the Las Vegas we know today.
1931 Las Vegas Telephone Listings - Courtesy of the Nevada State Museum- Las Vegas      Scan by Over50Vegas.com
Newlln Frank r 322 S 4 th.              . 203
Noland W E soft drinks JOS N 8th .       ..456
Norris A H 401 Fremont               394
Northern Club 15 Fremont              85
0 K Plumbing Shop 205 S 1st           ..224
Oak Hotel 1st 6 Fremont.               .341
Oasis Camp N of Town       .. 182
Oasis Confectionery 123 Fremont        . 144
Ogle Wm r 506 H 7th                . 407
Old Ranch Cottage Camp S of Town        ..438
Old Town Sheet Metal & Roofing Co Westside.. 432
Open Air Market oth & Fremont         ..458
Orr Wm E Judge ofc Courthouse       . lfifj
Orr Wm £ Judge r 132 N 5th          9
Overland Held 2 Fremont               59
Owen's B A Home Laundry 121 S 6th       .235
Pacific Fruit Express Main \ Bridger        26
Palace Meat Co 28 Fremont          .. . 67
Palm Funeral Home 132 S 1st           .. 180
ark J S r SE of Town                 .45
Park Wm S dentist 111 S 2nd            66
Park Wm S r SE of Town               45-J
Parks Anna Mrs r 132 S 1st            ..180
Pastime Club 213 N 1st               259
Patch 0 G Bureau of Reclamation N of Town  98
Patten James Sixth Street Groc 6th A Mesquite. .364
Payne Lloyd SOS *6 S 1st      558
Pedroli Nevada Miss r 329Va S 2nd       482
Peiffer Oscar L r 500 S 4th           .. 161
Pembroke C E Frigidaire agey 110 S 2nd    .. 501
Pembroke C Er N 7th. . . . :           . 23
Penney J C Co 18 Fremont        .  . 194
Pennington F R Mrs r 431 Fremont       .. 261
People's Store 5th A Clark     :        439
Perry H L Gen Mgr J C Penney Co 18 Fremont 194
Perry H L r 3rd & Garces               237
Peterson T A r 226 S 4th           ..   84
Pickwick Garage 110 N 3rd             .251
Pickwick Stage Lines 216 Fremont          73
Pico Walter chiropractor Delian Bldg ;    302
Pica Walter Or r 422 S 1st            ..302-J
Pine A Clark rl est 119 S 2nd       . .^.. 359
Pinjuv M S store 716 Ogden             .62
Pinkston J C r 207 N 2nd             .136
Pioneer Cash Market 213 Fremont     . . 79
Pioneer Lumber Co N Main & Clark      .. 382
Pioneer Title Insurance & Trust Co 113 S 4th  337
Police Department 102 Fremont        . 205
Police A Tire Alarm Main A Lewis         ..42
Posey W I r 220 N 8th            271
Post Office Drug Co 119 Carson. .         318
Postmaster 2nd A Carson     72„
Professional Drug Co Ray Prof Bldg        378
Quality Plumbing Shop 3th A Stewart       218
Radio Station KGIX State A Oak          .455
Rafael Andy r Division at 5th Place        373
Railroad Hospital 123 Fremont    ..    123
Railroad Rooming House 401 S 2nd. .*../     30
Railway Express Agency Inc Railroad Station . 29
Rainbow Buffet Club 1st A Carson       155
Ray Cart financier Ray Prof Bldg       331
Review Las Vegas Evening 113 S 1st .*,     ..6
Reynolds C S Rev r 3rd A Bridget .      476
Rhoads W J Plumbing Shop 205 S 1st       .224
Rhodes W S garage 113 S Main        . 135
Richfield Oil Co 310 S Main       . 175
Riley M II r 337 N 4th     . 137
Rio Grande 00 Co 810 S Moan. 400*
Roadmaster's Ofc 203 N Main..V     ..17
Roche W Earl Gen! Const Co Westside.   ..377
Rockwell L H electric shop 112 N 3rd ..100
Rockwell L II r 121- N 3rd       *______100-J
Rogers F M r 505 S 3rd ..'---- 481
Ronnow Chas store 431 S Main . .   .. .21
Ronnow Chas r 429 S Main              .346
Ronnow Joe Clark Co Wholesale428 S Main. .351
Ronnow Joe r S 1st A Clark       351«J
Ronnow Leland First State Bank 102 Fremont   1
Ronnow Leland r 221 S 5th          .246
Roosa Angio r Pike Apts                ..537
Roschl R Vegas Sweet Shoppe 111 Fremont .. 107
Roschl R   r 201 N 3rd     .      . .174
Rose Distributing Co 121 S Main      . 436
Roth Lee furniture 222 Fremont       .. .370
Roth Lee r  S 5th.;. .469
Roundhouse Ofc Railroad Grounds          57
Rumph Fred r 324 S 2nd          .>  376
Ryerst C K postmaster 2nd A Carson        ..72
Salter Thos j atty 115 Carson           . 525
Salvation Army Delkin Bldg     . 498
Sanitary Plumbing Co 112 N 3rd        ..100-R
Santongue Van r 117 S 4th             243
Saviers H E A Son Inc radio shop 508 Fremont. 355
Schur A J atty 115 Carson             .. 525
Schuyler Wm N r 210 S 2nd             51
Scott Wm L r 322 S 7th             .. 449
Second Street Cash Grocery 404 S 2nd     124
Serriville James Club 15 Fremont         85
Service Cleaners 119 S Main             310
Shell Oil Co Bonneville A Main           229
Sheppard E S r 329 S 2nd              ..270
Sheriff’s r 311 S 3rd          . 253
Sheriff's Ofc Courthouse                .77
Shubee Super Service 5th A Clark          .443
Simon P A r 210 S 5th                .178
Simon’s Super Service A Garage 216 Fremont   73
Sinnar J gen foreman Roundhouse         .133
Sinnar J r 412 S 4th                 ..265
Sixth Street Grocery 6th A Mesquite       364
Skagg's Safeway Store 211 Fremont        .320
Sloan C H Rev r 107 S 7th             .126
Smith Bessie r 210 N 1st               .402
Smith J D dentist 101 Fremont         165
Smith J D Dr r 521 Bridge.-             .191
Smith Joe r 432 S -2nd                 ..58
Smith Otis Troy Steam Laundry 123 N Main. - 19
Smith Otis r 221 S 4th                .392
Southern Nevada Lumber Co N Main A Stewart. .363
Southern Nevada Power Co 109 S 2nd        101
Southern Nevada Secretarial Service Delkin Bg. . 150
Southern Nevada Telephone Co 109 S 2nd     ..101
Southside Auto Court & Service Station S 5th.. 200
Spooner R A Genl Const Sth A Stewart      .464
Squires Chas P Pop Las Vegas Age 411^ Fremont   7
Squires Chas P r  411 Fremont            .46
Standard Oil Co of Calif S Main A Lewis      .86
State Highway Dept Becklty Bldg          307
State Highway Repair Shop N Main         452
Stay C Mrs r N Main                 ..263
Stay's Service Station N Main            .263
Stevens & Henderson attys Beckley Bldg   .. 24
Stewart H C r Westside              365
Stewart Wm J r N of Town             .. 39
Stocker O C Mrs r 605 S 3rd          .221
Stone W r 625 S 3rd         .. 268
Storehouse Main Section Railroad Grounds    . 55
Storehouse Material Section Railroad Grounds. . S5-J
Strupat Ed r Cth A Mesquite           . 360
Sullivan M E r 229 S 5th              ..109
Sullivan M E Garage 207 Fremont          ..5
Taylor Bros electrie shop 126 S 5th        ..409
Taylor & Ham attys Mesquite Bldg.       ..■ • - 40
Taylor Ryland G atty Mesquite Bldg        ..40
Taylor Ryland G r Division at 5th Place     .406
Telegraph Office Railroad Station          ..52
Texaco Cafe 225 Fremont        . ;.. 327
Texas Co The 216 Fremont../- 73
Texas Co The S Main       .. 442
Thacker Clara Mrs r 502 S 3rd  . .'.*; .. 473
Thaxton Rufus r 232 S 5th. :#i .* .;   .542
Thomil O D 818 S <th   :.477
Thomas R r S 7th                  
Thompson I S atty Griffith Bldg  .*     .149
Ticket Ofc Railroad Station             . - .4
Timekeeper's Ofc Railroad Ground       ..186
Title & Trust Co Ray Prof Bid*..:;. <- 22
Tompkins A J trainmaster Railroad Grounds   .14
Tompkins A J r 205 S 4th           78-
Tower Mercantile Corp 5th A Fremont      .444
Tower Service Station 119 S 6th. . . /      ..• 499
Trainmaster's Ofc Railroad* Grounds        .14
Treasurer's Ofe Courthouse, j . .*    ..*.'•.. .' 71
Troy Steam Laundry 123 N Main  .. *  - 10*
Ullom J M r Oth A Gai .‘             430
Ullom J T & Co hardware store 104 Fremont.-.'. -.44
Ullom Lloyd r 217 S 4th.. .. /.410
Underhill C C Bottling Works 125 N Main  .247
Union Hotel 227 N Main            .. 260
Union Oil Co Main A Bridget     . 171
Union Pacific Medical Dept 122 Fremont.    ..123
1931 Las Vegas Telephone Listings - Courtesy of the Nevada State Museum- Las Vegas      Scan by Over50Vegas.com
KGIX Radio Station, Las Vegas, Nevada, circa 1931-1932
Courtesy UNLV Digital Collection
KGIX Radio Station, Las Vegas, Nevada, circa 1931-1932
Courtesy UNLV Digital Collection
Union Pacific System
Baggage Room Railroad Station. . . . . .   29
Bridge A Building Dept Railroad Grounds 222
Car Foreman's Ofc Railroad Grounds       32
Car Inspector's Ofc Railroad Grounds     . 113
Dispatcher's Ofc railroad Grounds     . S3
Freight Station Railroad Grounds         ..3-J
General Foreman’s Ofc Railroad Grounds     133
Hospital 123 Fremont           123
Master Mechanic's Ofc Railroad Grounds   .56
Pacific Fruit Express S Main A Bonneville. . 26
Roadmaster's Ofc 202 N Main .,        17
Rooming House 401 S 2nd             30
Roundhouse Railroad Grounds         ..57
Store Dept Railroad Grounds      . 496
Store Dept Material Section Railroad Grounds. 55-J
Store Dept Storekeeper’s Ofc Railroad Grounds 55
Telegraph Ofc Railroad Station           52
Ticket Ofc Railroad Station              4
Timekeeper's Ofc Railroad Grounds   . . 186
Trainmaster's Ofc Railroad Grounds       .14
Yard Ofc Railroad Grounds             . 3
U S Bureau of Reclamation Beckley Bldg   ..535
U S Bureau of Reclamation Beckley Bldg   ..296
United States Bureau of Reclamation test lab. 98
Union Tea & Coffee Shop 121 S 5th    .. 474
Unique Cleaners 209 S 1st          543
Vander Meulen H C Or r 512 Bridger . 509
Van Meter Dr Ray Prof Bldg     . 417
Van Meter Dr r 524 S 5th            ..417-J
Vegas Camp N Main 263
Vegas Cleaning Works 14 Fremont           33
Vegas Credit Bureau Delkin Bldg
Vegas Sheet Metal Works 15 Bridget
Vegas Sweet Shoppe 111 Fremont
Village Inn Hotel 114 N 1st   
Virginia Hotel 319 S Main
Von Tobel Ed Lumber Yard 217 S 1st .
Wadsworth Claire r S 7th        .
Wagner J P r 216 N 4 th     .
Walton E F 232 S 5th       
Ward M E Mesquite Groc 101 Fremont
Ward M E r 328 S 2nd
Ward's Cash & Carry 110 Fremont         ..112
Watters J T r 122 N 2nd
Watters J T Wholesale House 122 N 2nd
Watts Addie L 115 S 3rd           .
Watts Tea Room 115 S 3rd
Weller B A r Boulder Addition        .
Wells T A atty Mesquite Bldg        .
Wengert A L Mrs r 522 S 3rd        .
Wengert C S First State Bank 102 Fremont.
Wengert C S r 511 Carson           .
Wengert Ella Mrs r 130 N 4th
Western Union 107 Fremont            . 423
Westlake M Mrs r 232 S 4th           256
Westside Garage WestsidE           .. *, 440
Westside School Westside    ..      . 277
Whipple Reed r 618 S 6th               422
White Cross Drug Co 201 Fremont    97
White Dave r 221 S 4th V      242
White House 105 Bridges*    223
White Lola r 212 N 3rd       460.
Whitehead S R recorder Courthouse.. .V.*. *   76
Whitehead S R r 330 N 7th    ..Is. a.  .361
Wiley Roland atty Beckley Bid*. 503
Willet K A r 604 S 3rd         . * 275
Williams R D r Westside,              . 281
Wilson R M r 127 N 4th        *.7.. .314
Witcher A B rl est 105 S Main.      308
Withers Lucile r 805 S 4th       . :..494
Witmer It W r 813 S 1st              352
Woltishek L A So Nev Lumber Ce N Main    363
Woltishek L A r 601 S 2nd               288
Woodard's Downtown Camp S Main        ..196
Woodell W R rl est 121 S Main           404
Woodlawn Cemetery N of Town           92
Worswick A L architect 102 S 2nd     .. 412-J
Yard Ofc Railroad Grounds         3
Yates O W r 514 S 7th               . 325
Young Lloyd r 307 Ogden              ..172
Young Lloyd Transfer Ofc S Mam          .IBS
Zeimer RK r S 5th       ..      200
A very early photograph of White Cross Drugs on the corner of second and Fremont. The business would stay there until it was finally torn down in 1965 for the construction of the Four Queens.
Courtesy UNLV Digital Collection    http://digital.library.unlv.edu:81/u?/pho,10554
 White Cross Drugs on the corner of second and Fremont.
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TCR numbers are used by express permission of SSS Publishing publishers of The Chip Rack.

Directories / Classified listings still to come as I get them processed:
1943 through 1950
1952 through 1954
1959 through 1964
1970 through 1977
Thanks to the  Cahlan Research Library at the Nevada State Library.
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