OBSERVATIONS  by Pop Squires
FEBRUARY 23, 1957
Vegas Chamber of Commerce
held its regular monthly
membership luncheon at the
Hotel Fremont and gave well deserved
honor to its past presidents with a
short account of the activities of each
who were able to be present that day
as guests.
The program was conducted under
the leadership of Art Ham. Sr., eldest
surviving past president of the Cham-
ber. The meeting was well attended
and was of considerable interest to
all present. However, few if any of the
recent members of the Chamber real-
ized that our Chamber of Commerce
was not a new idea in Las Vegas when
it was formed. Early in January of
1911 there had been several organiza-
tions in Las Vegas created, financed
and kept going solely for the benefit
of the community.
The first was born in June, 1905,
through the urgent necessity of saving
our lives. Sanitary conditions were
terrible in the little, new town, housed
in tents set in the brush, without
sewers, lights or water, save that
which we dipped out of the small
creek fed by the small creek fed by
the “Big Springs,” or pumped from
shallow wells six or eight feet deep
which some of the people had dug in
their back yards. Approximately a
thousand horses and mules were kept
in large corrals on all sides of the
town, and flies by the millions
swarmed over our bodies, our food and
everything about us. There was little
protection against the fierce heat and
(Continued on Page 30)
Vic Havas Motors
IS OUR proof
If It Isn't On Our Lot
Priced Right . ..
We'll Get The Car You Want
4000 E. Fremont
Ben Stack
2401 So. 5th St.
800 South Main
— Phone DU 2-0400 —
Guaranteed Lubrication .. Washing
Motor Tune-Up . . Tires & Tubes
Brake Service . . Wheel Balancing
- pete bommarito -
Flying A Ethyl
Eddie Lawrence                                                      Beverly Lawrence                                           CharlieBoyer
Flamingo Hotel   
Mac McDonald Trombone
Larry McKenna Drums
(Continued from Page 5)
every day new cases of sickness were
developing, until we realized that there
was serious danger of a general epi-
After talking with several of the
Las Vegas men who seemed the most
responsible (we were all strangers then)
I posted a notice calling a meeting
for the next evening at Hotel Las
Vegas. A dozen or more men showed
up. After we had discussed the situa-
tion it was agreed to form a Las Vegas
Sanitary Committee. I was asked to
put the matter into writing and present
it at another meeting the next night.
There was more interest shown at
this second meeting and of course more
discussion and disagreement. The chief
point of disagreement was: “If we do
adopt regulations we have no law in
Las Vegas and no authority to enforce
We adopted sanitary regulations and
enforced them, even though in a few
cases they worked a seeming hardship
on a few. However these sanitary regu-
lations improved conditions and very
likely saved a lot of us from shallow
graves in the desert brush.
Our next public service organization
was the “Las Vegas Board of Trade”
formed in August, 1905, to prevent
Los Angeles creditors of failing mer-
cantile establishments from seizing all
of the assets, leaving nothing for the
Las Vegas creditors. It was a desperate
move, yet it served to save Las Vegas
from considerable loss on several oc-
The next community organization
was the “Lincoln County Division
Club.” It began its active operations
in 1907 and continued until after the
county was divided by the legislature
and Clark County was formed on July
1, 1909. It was a strenuous, and for
us at that time, an expensive cam-
paign. But when our new county of
Clark was organized and we were “on
our own,” all agreed that it was well
worth the effort.
Our next public service organization
was a purely booster one. It was
planned by one of our very distin-
guished citizens, an attorney whom we
called “Judge” M. S. Beal. The name
of it was the “Las Vegas Promotion
Society” and its motto was “Nothing
to Sell,” which was printed on every
piece of literature. Judge Beal wrote
most of the publicity, which was very
good, touting the Vegas Valley as a
second Imperial Valley, a valley which
would produce every kind of crop,
with irrigation.
A new citizen came to Las Vegas
about 1909. James G. Givens was a
sincere hard working man, I believe,
and most anxious to benefit the com-
munity. It was entirely natural that
he should become the first president
of the Las Vegas Chamber of Com-
merce. Very few of the present mem-
bers ever heard his name. I have
copies of some of the things he wrote
about Las Vegas Valley and I am sure
some of that publicity would do credit
to present day writers.
Now, in closing this column on the
Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce, per-
haps I should mention its first duly
elected officers as they appeared on
its official records of January 18, 1911:
President, James G. Givens; Vice
President, E. W. Griffith; Second Vice
President, W. D. Worrell; Treasurer,
W. R. Bracken, Additional directors
and chairmen of committees: Com-
merce, Frank A. Clark; Manufacturers
and Mercantile Affairs, Charles P.
Squires; Agricultural and Horticultural
Problems, E. A. Eixon; Mining, H. M.
Lillis; Transportation, John M. Heaton;
County & Municipal Affairs, W. E.
Hawkins; Hotels, Dan V. O’Leary;
Finance, W. R. Thomas; and Member-
ship, W. B. Mundy.
Many ex-husbands have found out
that the cost of LIVING doesn’t com-
pare with the cost of LEAVING!
(Continued from Page 7)
back of you? There I was at the STAR-
ing to see RUSH ADAMS and you had
me blocked. You just wouldn’t move,
either, no matter how many times I
yelled and punched at you. Can’t blame
you, however, that RUSH fella com-
mands that kind of abject attention.
This lad can really put over a song,
especially his rendition of “It’s Later
Than You Think.” This is one number
that makes you pause and think a
plenty. . . .
For rafter shakin’ rock ’n roll, sans
can really beat it out. Drums, bass,
piano and sax make up this quartet
FRONTIER. Doing the same good biz
for this lounge as they did for THE
KEYNOTER in Hollywood, looks like
a holdover at option time. ’Tho many
groups are tagged as “brothers,” few
really are; but it is easy to see that
to goodness syblings. ... At this same
together with their “Million Dollar
show stoppers. That frantic comedy
duo in the group, JUCIE BRUCIE and
SIR CHARLES GRAY, knock collec-
tive funnybones together so rapidly it
sounds like a skeleton hoedown at the
CLOUD 9 LOUNGE. Pulled myself
away to conserve strength enough to
get myself down the Strip for another
date at the SANDS HOTEL, where
MAINES are making calypso history.
You walk away singing “Hold Her,
Joe, Don’t Let Her Go” — and that’s
You'll Look Good In A
Snyder     Snyder's   419 South 5th 
Custom Made Suit . . .
Your Choice of Latest
In Imported Fabrics From
Italy, Belgium, Scotland,
Group Of Woolens for
Made To Measure
Buy 2—Get 3rd Pair Free
FEBRUARY 23, 1957
Observations by Pop Squires — Fabulous Las Vegas Magazine —  February 23, 1957
Observations by Pop Squires — Fabulous Las Vegas Magazine —  July 6, 1957
THE OTHER morning when I
came to breakfast. Delphine
opened a Western Union mes-
sage which began, "Western
Air Lines takes great pleasure in an-
nouncing inauguration of de-luxe non-
stop service between Los Angeles and
Mexico City—and so on."
Of course I had a pleasant thrill of
delight as I visioned the pleasures of
such a trip and eagerly seized the en-
velope in which the message came,
fully expecting to find a neatly folded
ticket for Delphine and me with a
week's accommodations at Mexico's
finest hotel. But after looking on the
floor and all around, I found nothing
and decided that Western Union must
have been careless. However 1 was
quickly reconciled at the omission as.
at 92. the trip might be too tiresome
for me. Nevertheless, that message
brought back many interesting mem-
ories of Western Air Express, the first
name of Las Vegas' first air line.
I recall the first flight providing air
mail service by this new company in
April 1926. Jimmie James was the pilot,
and we all thought that Las Vegas was
at last receiving suitable recognition.
The company then announced inau-
guration of speedier service using the
newly developed Lockheed planes with
a cruising speed of 140 miles per hour.
About the first of June in 1928, I re-
ceived a telegram from Will Rogers
saying he would be a passenger on the
initial flight of the new plane. Del-
phine, our son James, and I drove out
to the air field, then located about a
quarter of a mile east of where Wilbur
Clark’s Desert Inn now is.
(Continued on Page 36)
To Bring Back for the Third Time
miere performance, July 28th, at the
HACIENDA HOTEL. This is a real
thriller and we plan to put this ve-
hicle on our “must attend” list. . . .
We’re sorry to learn of GEORGE
SCHNURLE’s being bedded. He is be-
ing kept on a full-rest-schedule at
home, due to a heart condition that is
keeping him inactive. . . .
We watched the new FORD hard-
top convertible in operation and found
quite an intriguing little road traveler.
Attorney MURRAY POSIN showed us
the unique vehicle and we would have
been tempted to acquire one ourselves,
if our car weren’t a late model, itself.
Among the top Hosts in our FLV is
JOHNNY McGOWAN. He is Bar Man-
ager at the SHOWBOAT and has a
pleasing personality that bids you to
return. . . .
Sure is a grand feeling to witness
the wonderful business going on at
the SADDLE CLUB, under the able
guidance of BILLY PARKER. It is al-
ways busy for it offers the full nos-
talgia of the Old West, with proper
music by TEX MARSHALL and his
music emanates from this little band.
The atmosphere is gay, light and hap-
py; a real “natural.” . . .
DAVE VICTORSON is the new Host-
Manager of the Luau Room at the
stand the management has new plans
to introduce here, including a more
versatile menu. . . .
The distaff half of CHIQUITA &
JOHNSON (fabulous dance team of
the FLAMINGO HOTEL) is a very ac-
complished linquist. She speaks nine
languages with equal fluency. . . .
Our July birthday and Anniversary
list (as space permits): July 5th —
ROSE GRECO July 9th — Sixth
Wedding Anniversary of EVA and
MORY GREEN July9th —
9th — HANK HENRY (Max has one
two days earlier) July9th —
SAM TUCKER July 12th —
CEIL CHIARELLI. ... To one and
all we extend our fondest wishes for
a very happy occasion . . . and that’s
for sure.
(Continued from Page 5)
Right on time the Lockheed, piloted
by Fred Kelly, appeared but was ap-
proaching at too swift a speed for a
landing. A second time the plane sped
past the field without attempting to
land. On the third try the Lockheed
came whizzing up the air strip. It
stirred up a big cloud of dust and the
right wheel hit a hummock and
smashed. The right wing crumpled, the
plane rammed her propeller into the
ground, standing on her nose for an
instant and then crashed over flat on
her back. We were horrified! Jim and
I ran as quickly as possible over to
the plane and were the first to reach it.
We managed to get the door to the two-
seater passenger compartment opened
and there was Will Rogers hanging
head down, held up by his safety belt.
We loosened him as quickly as possible
and Will fell down, getting a slight cut
on the head which bled a little, but
was not serious.
I blurted out, “Will, what are you
trying to do?”
Even though he was badly shaken
up, he replied, “I was trying to go to
Cirque Room
El Cortez
Cradle of the stars presents
George Arnold's rhythm on ice 
the Colts
buster Hallett Orchestra
El Cortez hotel
Sherman Hayes Dante Varela
Imperial coin company rare coins ben stack 2401 S. 5th St. on the strip just north of hotel Sahara
The old boulder club 118 Fremont Jimmy Young, Jim Young, J Kell houssels, Ross page Connie Hurley Margo Goumond Hines, Larry Hezzelwood, Lillian Witcher, Maurice Pinkerton, bar manager, old crowbar whiskey, Ferro, Kino, roulette, cramps, Poker, Pam, bridge, ladies welcome, liberal slot machines,
the Democratic National Convention.
I suppose that I should have gone to
the Republican Convention and then
this would not have happened.”
Will’s chief concern was that his wife
might hear of the accident and fear that
he was badly injured, so we drove to
the Western Union Office at the depot
and sent her a reasuring message. That
afternoon Western Air had another
plane ready to continue the flight to
Salt Lake City and Will continued on
his journey. The next day at Edmonton,
Wyoming, Will had another similar ex-
perience, but kept right on. As some
of you may remember, Will Rogers
came to his death with Wiley Post on
a flight to the Arctic regions about 1935.
I well remember an evening early in
January of the middle thirties. It was
one of those unusual seasons when
snow had fallen in Las Vegas. I heard
the drone of the Western Air Express
mail plane as it passed over Las Vegas,
and could dimly see the lights of the
plane as it flew through the snow. I
probably was the last person to see
that plane, flown by Maury Graham.
The plane became lost and his body
was not found until the middle of the
following June, some distance down a
canyon from the point where the plane
had crashed.
I do not recall any other mishaps to
Western Air Express equipment. But 1
do remember that this company was
a leader in making air travel safer,
quicker, easier and cheaper than any
other form of public conveyance, and
that its growth and popularity have
been phenomenal, even in this age of
But the part of this story I am trying
to write is that dealing with our own
Las Vegas Bonanza Airlines, operated
by its President Ed Converse and his
able Vice-President and Assistant, Flor-
ence Murphy. Bonanza was granted the
right to operate planes between Las
Vegas and Reno in 1946. With no other
source of revenue and only an occa-
sional passenger. This situation was
remedied to some extent in 1949 when
Bonanza was awarded an air mail con-
tract. In 1949 Bonanza was also granted
an extension of its Las Vegas to Reno
run allowing it to operate service to
Phoenix. This extension was the fore-
runner of other new routes and Bonan-
za now schedules daily flights from
Phoenix to Los Angeles via Coachella
and Imperial Valley, and Phoenix to
Los Angeles via Palm Springs.
July 6, 1957
Bonanza will soon be putting into
operation another new flight. Las Vegas
to Los Angeles by way of Apple Valley.
The company has on order, and will
soon receive, six new Fairchild “Turbo-
Prop” ships and will then undertake
operation of its most important exten-
sion, Phoenix to Salt Lake City via
Prescott, Grand Canyon, Kanab, Cedar
City and Provo.
Bonanza, while not yet a giant like
Western Air Lines, United, TWA or
several others, has made rapid and
very substantial growth and has NEV-
Since that notable day in April, 1926
—when Western Air Express made its
first flight to Las Vegas, and our air-
port was only a strip of the desert sands
with some of the brush scraped off,
until today when our McCarran Field
has miles of paved runways, fine build-
ings and all other prerequisites of a
great airport—we have seen miracles
wrought by those courageous souls who
visualized some of the wonders of pres-
ent day air travel. Yes, from its ex-
tremely humble start, with the raw
desert as a landing place, to a very
busy port where hundreds of passen-
gers disembark each day, we have wit-
nessed many miracles.
(Continued from Page 13)
MIKE FOSTER. Actually the trip
serves a double purpose for the couple.
A belated honeymoon and a visit with
PAT’S folks. MIKE FOSTER is a popu-
lar song stylist and comedian in the
East. He recently concluded a suc-
cessful engagement at the Edgewater
Beach Hotel in Chicago. Previous to
career in show-biz, MIKE was enter-
tainment director at the Waikiki Bilt-
more in Hawaii for seventeen months.
Following the route of many, the FOS-
TERS have fallen in love with FLV
and may make our town—their town
too. Father-in-law ARTURO is gracious
Captain in the Lady Luck Lounge of
the DESERT INN and assistant to Host
TOMMY CLAIRE. ... A personal note
to friends, MARGE and BILL PEN-
SEVERS back in Buffalo, New York.
Congratulations on the birth of LINDA
Aim. nope io see you al. in FLV later
this summer. . . . MR. and MRS. DAN
FRANZEN of Burbank, California and
their seven-year old daughter DA-
Observations by Pop Squires — Fabulous Las Vegas Magazine —  July 6, 1957
Observations by Charles "Pop" Squires
Fabulous Las Vegas Magazine
1957 - 1958
-Glitter Gulch -Fabulous Las Vegas Magazine — Oct 5, 1957
The 'Glitter Gulch' column by Harry Parker up here in fabulous Las Vegas magazine occasionally during the 50s.  Harry Parker reported on the shows, the people, and gossip of downtown Las Vegas.  
COACHIE Sigmuller was a
“good Indian,’’ and was
trusted by his white friends.
His trouble was started by a small in-
sect of some kind, probably a black
widow spider, which bit George Lattimer on the arm causing that member
to swell to twice its normal size and
giving him great pain.
George and Bell Lattimer owned
the Indian Springs Ranch forty-five
miles northwest of Las Vegas, more
than fifty years ago and befriended
the good Indian boy, Coachie Sigmuller, by giving him food and let-
ting him live with them and do chores
around the ranch.
It was necessary to get George to
civilization and help if his life was
to be saved, so Bell harnessed the
team and, after making George as
near comfortable as possible on a bed
of alfalfa hay in the back of the
wagon, started for Las Vegas. After
a wearisome journey over a rough
trail, they reached Vegas on the morn-
ing of the second day where they
took the evening train for Los Angeles
and, “miracle of miracles,” George’s
life was saved, but it was more than
a week before they returned to the
In the meantime, Coachie was very
proud of being left in full charge of
the ranch, but he soon had troubles
of his own. One morning he noticed
a puff of dust far down the trail, and
(Continued on Page 32)
Las Vegas Hacienda
Four Tunes
Phone DU 2-7800
she emerges as another great star on
the Las Vegas horizon. . . . DICK
SHAWN definitely has scaled a new
high as he appears in specially cre-
ated sequences that vividly frame his
sparkling wit. Always a great mono-
logue performer he now steps into
his own as a clever musical-comedy
personality besides. . . . Throughout
the entire show are a series of colorful
“musical vignettes” starring a tre-
mendous array of high calibre singing
and dancing talent. Featured in these
capsule size musical gems are NEILE
“Miss U.S.A. for a Dav”; dancer
KITTY DOLAN and the bouncy BILL
NORVAS SINGERS. . . . Each of
the TROPICANA GIRLS is a major
beauty contest winner and their col-
lective beauty is impossible to de-
scribe. They complete the picture like
loveliness of the exquisitely staged
production numbers. . . . Maestro
CHESTRA have mastered the diffi-
cult Broadway type musical score and
their musicianship affords excellent
support for the entire cast.
(Continued from Page 5)
as he watched it the puff drew nearer
and nearer. He saw that the moving
object was a man and that he would
have to stop at the ranch for water.
Then, to his horror, he recognized
that the man was Indian “Wild Bill.”
Coachie was not on friendly terms
with Wild Bill, who was of the over-
bearing, abusive type and who, in
the past, had often cuffed Coachie
After drinking his fill at the cool
stream flowing from the spring. Wild
Bill seated himself on the edge of
the porch for a little rest before
searching for food. Soon, due to his
long walk in the hot sun, he was fast
asleep. Coachie was a good Indian
and knew his duty was protecting the
property of the Lattimer’s as they had
placed him in charge. With this idea
in mind, Coachie, who had remained
out of sight, noiselessly crept into
the kitchen and took the loaded rifle
from behind the back door of the
house, took careful aim at the sleep-
ing form and did what he thought
was his duty.
After making sure that Wild Bill
was dead, Coachie hurriedly left for
Moapa to his parents and proudly
told of the good act he had performed.
In due time officers of the law ar-
rested Coachie and threw him into
jail in Pioche. Then that fall, the Dis-
trict Court, Judge George S. Brown
presiding, tried him for the murder
of Wild Bill. He was convicted and
sent to the State Prison at Carson
City. Knowing that Coachie was a
good Indian the sentence was not
made too severe, and after serving
about three years he was released to
the custody of his tribe at Moapa.
Coachie, the good Indian, had paid
the penalty for his crime.
The story of Coachie Sigmuller was
told to us by Judge Brown one night
after Coachie had been released as
we sat before our fireplace in our old
home on Fremont street. He also told
us of the funeral of Wild Bill whose
remains were found on the porch of
the Lattimer house when they re-
turned to the ranch. It was neces-
sary to shovel them into a gunny sack
at once and bury them in a shallow
grave on the hill about one hundred
feet from the ranch house.
It has always been sort of a paradox
to me that Queho, the bad Indian,
should be able to starve himself to
death after committing four vicious
crimes, while Coachie Sigmuller, the
good Indian, was sent to prison for
what was really a good deed.
The final touches of this story were
given to us by our friend, Emmett
D. Boyle, who was state engineer
under Governor Tasker L. Oddie and
later became Governor himself. One
evening Emmett drove up to the In-
dian Springs Ranch after a long hard
day of driving over rough roads full
of fine, white dust. He stopped near
the pasture fence where he saw Bell
Lattimer trying to corral some hogs
that had escaped. As a good sized
porker tried to pass her Bell made a
dive and caught the hog by the hind
leg, swung him about her head and
sent him quealing over the fence.
Then she turned to Emmett and asked
him what he wanted. He replied that
he would like something to eat and
a place to sleep, and he was promptly
and cordially invited into the house.
As Bell was serving dinner to her
guest she suddenly got to her feet and
stepped to the door, sniffed a few
times, then siezed a shovel and started
outside, remarking as she went “Them
damned dogs has dug up Wild Bill
(Continued from Page 7)
discovery of land across the sea means
bloodshed, for this land will be found
so rich that European nations will
fight each other to gain possession.
Spain will be the controlling language
spoken, with English second and
French a poor third!” This fantastic
prediction came to pass, for more
people speak Spanish in Mexico and
all of South America than in North
America, where English is spoken and
French is a poor third in Canada. It
came to pass!
You can expect five great changes
by this time next year!
(1) Distribution of food and manu-
factured items simplified!
(2) Greater care given the aged,
infirm, and defective!
(3) A bolder foreign policy on the
gold standard basis!
(4) Fantastic new inventions that
will cut household drudgerv at least
(5) The greatest own-your-own-
home movement in all recorded his-
tory where Uncle Sam will help even
man and woman to own their own
home and to pay it off like rent, with
insurance and taxes included! Yes, we
face an active, profitable five years
ahead, with 1958 as the keystone of
our coming prosperity and personal
well being!
I predict a revolution in the world
of entertainment! Major Hollywood
film studios have lost millions on
ordinary pictures with ordinary peo-
ple and ordinary themes! Some of
the independents found that special
exploitation films would return the
money more quickly and have greater
popularity! Films costing less than
$75,000 have outdrawn many super-
RELAX and LISTEN . . .
To the SENSATIONAL Recording of .
October 5, 1957                                                                                            33
California Club
For a Limited Time only
You will Receive One
Carson City Silver Dollar
with Each Jackpot Hit
during Double Jackpot Time
which is in progress nearly
100 Timas Per Day.
And Still Going
First and Fremont
-Glitter Gulch -Fabulous Las Vegas Magazine — Oct 5, 1957
THAT colorful Carnival Room
is one of the “jumpincst”
spots in all of Ims Vegas! Showgoers
there seem to favor the rock and roll
style of musical entertainment and the
Hotel lias certainly seen to it that they
get what they want. Currently head-
lining the attractions there arc the
frantic SATELLITES. This combo
specializes in visual “rock and roll’’
and there couldn’t be many groups
any better at the job. Along about
time for their first set it’s all you can
do to find a seat, and it stays that way
until the early, early hours of the
morning when the boys lay down their
instruments and head out to accumu-
late a fresh store of energy. . . .
BEV MARSHALL, top the entertain-
ment on the early evening shift in
the same room, and this foursome
present a delightful mixture of song
and comedy built around one after
another of the craziest records you’ve
ever hear.
BEV’S timing is flawless
and her flair for comedv a pleasure
to watch. . . . THE STARDUSTERS
are another group of rock and rollers
who alternate with THE MAKE BELIEVES and help set the blinding
musical pace with vivid and bouncy
arrangements of all the rock and roll
favorites. . . . SYL GREGORY,
is taking a three-week vacation with
his wife, PEGGY, and the two boys,
CHICKIE and LOU. They’ll spend
some time at Lake Tahoe and then
to SYL’S hometown of Sacramento to
visit with family and friends. . . .
Another vacationing “out-of-towner”
CLUB. ... If you are interested in
collecting “miniatures," and this is a
fast growing hobby with a large fol-
lowing, stop in MIKE’S LIQUOR
STORE on South First Street and look
over the selection offered by AL
RIPPS. This is one of the finest col-
lections of miniatures in Las Vegas
and includes most of the "hard to
get" brands. . . . JEAN IE DALASSIS
is the new day shift cocktail waitress
at the WESTERNER, and a very
lovely addition to the club she is! . . .
RICK WILLIAMS is back in town
once again, having just returned from
a very successful PRESS CLUB iun-
ket to San Francisco where members
of the local "fourth estate” were
hosted by the San Francisco Press
Club. . . . When vou’re downtown and
the sound of old fashioned “home-
made style" beef stew sounds good.
Thunderbird Hotel
Dances Staged by . . . Gayle Robbins
REX JOHNSON — M.C.AL JAHNS and His Orchestra
Showtimes 8:15 P.M. & 12 MidnightForReservations Call Dudley 2-5100
Rex Johnson - M.C.                Al Jahns and his orchestra
run, don’t walk, into THE MINT and
ive yourself an eating sensation sel-
om equalled on this gourmet’s “tra-
ditional favorite.” . . .
NORM LITTLE, relief floor boss at
the NEVADA CLUB, was really rush-
ing around the other night checking
off big payoffs during that club’s
double jackpot time. Poor guy was
hustling so fast he scarcely had time
to slow down long enough to say
“hello.” . . . While spending a few
moments passing the time of day
with Bar Manager SYL GREGORY
in the WESTERNER CLUB, the
senior “mixologist” at that popular
spot called my attention to three new
drinks now being served there that,
because of the titles alone, are cer-
tain to cause more than mild curiosity.
They are the “Orange Snapper”;
“Green Devil” and “Purple Passion”
and SYL says they are guaranteed to
get results and to AT LEAST get you
started. . . . BILL GARVEY, Grave-
yard Shift Boss at the PIONEER
CLUB, is one of the oldest employees
(Continued on Page 35)
Bond's Jewelers
300 Fremont St.  Las Vegas, Nev NV Nevada
(Continued from Page 12)
in that spot, from point of service
that is, and one of the verv nicest.
long recognized as one of the most
friendly and cordial cocktail wait-
resses in Las Vegas, has been induced
to pose for high fashion photos from
time to time. This popular FRE-
MONT HOTEL gal proved after the
first “sitting” that the choice was a
wise one. She adds that necessary
“something extra” that makes any-
thing she models stand out with just a
little more glamour than is normal. . . .
There are still many folks who
remember the terrific baritone vocal
work of JOHNNY O BRIEN, now a
top floor-man in the slot department
NY only sings for pleasure now, but
believe me if you are fortunate
enough to catch one of his infrequent
singing engagements, you’ll think the
pleasure is all yours! . . . Lovely
JEANIE EBELL is a frequent “ring-
sider” in the FREMONT HOTEL’S
Carnival Room these days. Seems to
miss very few of the frantic and en-
tertaining sets by the popular SATEL-
Floor Manager, has made the shift
from swing to graveyard. . . . The
current lineup in the GOLDEN NUG-
GET Showroom is one of the best
balanced ever presented in that spot.
Something for everybody and the
attendance is proving it out. For
novelty and Western tunes it’s the
great HANK PENNY and SUE
THOMPSON, perennial favorites
here; JIG ADAMS and His Band
knock out the best jazz available for
the “Dixie lovers” and FRANKIE
really break loose with jumping music-
in the rock and roll vein. . . . Stop in
the VEGAS VIC Cocktail Lounge
anytime on the graveyard shift and
you’ll see why business is growing
by leaps and bounds. Congenial Bar-
the main reason. Here’s a “Mixer”
who delights in conversing on any
subject and makes friends with every-
one. An unbeatable combination! . . .
Our sincere sympathy and con-
dolences are extended to PAUL
HOTEL whose wife, ANN, passed
away several days ago. . . . We’ll
look for you between now and next
week along the neon blazed trail of
glamorous Fremont Street, the world's
greatest gambling center.
(Continued from Page 17)
of that bistro. Their background music
is provided by the chib organist,
CLYDE ROGERS who made the trip
with them. . . . Rounding out the
entertainment fare in this spot are
opening this coming Wednesday. . . .
The Stage Bar of the FLAMINGO
HOTEL once again features LOUIS
and their excellent program of synco-
pated selections. ... In the same spot
TON BOYS and pianist REMARK-
ABLE RUBIN who joins with the
others to bring as outstanding a va-
riety of top Lounge entertainment as
can be found anywhere. . . . Watch
for an all-new group of routines by
MEN late this week or early next.
Now On Sale At All Resort Hotels News Stands & Music Stores
- Something NEW In Recording -
Observations by Pop Squires — Fabulous Las Vegas Magazine —  Oct 5, 1957
Observations by Pop Squires — Fabulous Las Vegas Magazine —  Oct 19, 1957
LAST WEEK in this column
I had an entirely inadequate
account of the growth, de-
velopment and great increase in values
of property along Fremont Street.
This week I shall comment on the
development of Fifth Street from a
country lane into a brilliant street
eight miles long with most of the
frontage on it valued at One Thou-
sand Dollars, or more, per foot.
When the townsite was laid out, it
extended only from Stewart Street on
the north to Garces on the south, a
matter of just six blocks The north
end was extended to the Stewart
Ranch about 1908, but the south end
of Fifth Street remained at Garces. If
we wished to go to one of the ranches
south of Vegas we walked through
the brush because there was no
wagon road.
The first building of anv size built
on Fifth Street was the grammar
school between Fourth and Fifth at
Bridger. The town had outgrown the
three small school rooms at Second
and Lewis Streets and a contract had
been awarded to a Las Vegas con-
tractor, named A. W. Jurden, in April,
1910. When the picture of the pro-
posed new building was published in
“The Las Vegas Age” in May, 1910,
complaints began to pour in. “Why
such a big building?”; “Such a waste
of money!”; “A fourteen-room school
(Continued on Page 33)
To cap the show, there are two bril-
liant production numbers featuring
the beautiful THUNDERBIRD
DANCERS in routines created bv
GAYLE ROBBINS. . . . Handsome
REX JOHNSON vocally leads the
production efforts and doubles as
emcee for the show.
(Continued from Page 21)
selections to satisfy even the most dis-
criminating or jaded taste. It co-
stars screen and musical comedy star
VIVIAN BLAINE and comedian
DICK SHAWN and features an origi-
nal musical score of ten tunes com-
posed by GORDON “Manhattan
Towers” JENKINS, plus a sturdy cast
of supporting talent. . . . VIVIAN
sings five of the great, new show tunes
as she appears in several skillfully
staged “show within a show” presen-
tations showcasing her glamour and
talent to perfection and adding lustre
to the production. This great star, as
lovely as she is talented, emerges as
another bright, new show personality
on the Las Vegas scene. . . . Comedian
DICK SHAWN has scaled a new
high in his spectacular career with
this performance. He comes into his
own, not only as a terrific cabaret
comic, but also emerges as an exciting
find for future musical comedy rolls.
... In support of the stars, and ex-
ecuting the series of colorful “musical
vignettes” to perfection, is an impres-
sive array of high ranking singing and
dancing talent. Starring in and out of
these capsule size musical gems are
“Miss U.S.A. for a Dav,” GAGE;
“pixie-ish” dancer LIZANNE TRUEX;
bouncy and brash BILL NORVAS
GIRLS lend their exquisite beauty
and appear in all of the spectacular
production numbers. . . . NAT
TRA have the difficult, Broadway
style musical score down to perfection
OCTOBER 19, 1957
and their playing provides really ter-
rific support for every phase of the
(Continued from Page 5)
will never be needed!”; but, fortunate-
ly, the bond money had been paid and
we were assured of a building for
years to come for both grammar and
high school.
Then complaints again poured in
that the contractor was not living up
to the contract. The school board ap-
pointed E. W. Griffith as inspector
for the school board. Then, when the
building was finished and the con-
tractor tried to turn it over to the
school board as completed according
to the contract, Mr. Griffith pointed
out certain things that were necessary
to comply with the contract. These
Jurden refused to do, and the much
needed school stood vacant for an
entire year until the school board
made some kind of settlement with
the contractor and the school was
opened in the fall of 1911. Mr. Jurden
refused to be reconciled and would
not let his daughter attend school
there, “as the building was unsafe.”
But, in spite of the fact that many
people were certain that the building
was far too large, by the time the
year 1916 rolled around, it was neces-
sary for the high school board, which
had been renting the south wing of
the building, to vacate and find other
quarters because of lack of space. The
high school board immediately pur-
chased the entire block south of the
Fifth Street School, had the street be-
tween closed and then built Las
Vegas’ first High School building.
These buildings were the first great
improvements along Fifth Street, and
really put that street on the map.
In the early 1920’s, we started a
campaign for an automobile road di-
rectly to Los Angeles, instead of go-
ing by wagon road by way of El-
dorado Canyon and Searchlight to
Highway 66 at Goffs. It seemed like
an almost impossible undertaking but
we figured that the proposed new
route would save ninety-three miles
The Capital Photographer of
the Entertainment Capital
Bernard of Hollywood
Riviera hotel
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Artistic Photography
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• Take a tip from the Stars of The Strip. For professional photography it’s
Above is a portrait of enchantress Lili St. Cyr.
and one weary day of travel. In 1914,
Charles McCarthy, then county sur-
veyor, now Col. McCarthy, Retired,
with a team fastened to each end of
a steel rail, dragged the brush off a
new road to Goodsprings. That really
was the beginning of our present high-
way to Los Angeles and also the rea-
son for opening Fifth Street south
of Garces. Surveys for the extension
southward on Fifth Street were made
by the State Highway Department
and C. C. Boyer, State Highway En-
gineer for this district in 1923.
The extension of Fifth Street south-
ward was a grand victory for Las
Vegas. Just to show the necessity for
that enterprise, the highway depart-
ment made a count of the traffic for
one week and found that twenty-
three automobiles passed over that
road every twenty-four hours. That
was the start of the busiest highway
in the State of Nevada.
For a year the extension of Fifth
Street southward was unpaved, and,
of course, nobody dreamed that it
would ever become the thoroughfare
it is today, but a Casino and night
club was built called the Pair-O-Dice.
As travel increased that name was
changed to the 91 Club. Guy Mc-
Afee, I think, was the moving spirit
in that enterprise. The Red Rooster
and several other night clubs fol-
It was not until Tom Hull planned,
financed and built the El Rancho
Vegas that Fifth Street began to as-
sume importance. El Rancho Vegas
was opened in 1940 and then it was
rumored that a hotel larger and finer
than the El Rancho was about to be
erected on the property of the Pair-
O-Dice by a man named Griffith from
Texas who owned a string of moving
picture theatres. He financed what
was called the Last Frontier with Bill
Moore as architect and builder.
Next came the Flamingo, and we
were sure that Vegas at last was on
her way to greatness. “Bugsy” Siegel
was the heart of this venture, but he
was killed by a bullet fired through
a window while he was seated in a
friend’s house in Hollywood one eve-
ning in June, 1946, and then we were
sure that Las Vegas’ future was
blighted. But Siegel’s friends took up
the burden of completing the Fla-
mingo. Delphine and 1 have been
particularly interested in the Fla-
mingo because for some twenty years
we owned the forty acres on which
the Flamingo was built. We sold it
to Mrs. Folsum for $7500, which at
that time seemed an outrageous price.
She was intending to build an auto
court there, but never carried out her
plans, and the Siegel interests took it
over. Today the Flamingo is rated
at more than ten million dollars.
After the Flamingo came a parade
of other fine resort hotels. Wilbur
Clark’s Desert Inn had its troubles
and delays, but Mr. Clark never ad-
mitted defeat even when things
looked dark for his enterprise. Follow-
ing Wilbur Clark’s Desert Inn came
more resort hotels. I am not sure of
the order — The Thunderbird, The
Sahara, The Sands, The Dunes, The
Royal Nevada, The Hacienda and The
Tropicana, estimated as costing more
than fifteen million dollars, and there
are probably some others which for
the moment have slipped my memory.
On other streets are also fine resorts
and in downtown Las Vegas are more
lavish hotels and casinos including the
thirteen story Fremont, but I am try-
ing to picture the brilliant Fifth Street
as it now is.
When Fifth Street began to assume
importance, it was dark and dismal.
Neon signs began to appear here and
there, until now, for six or eight miles
from where it crosses Fremont, it is
reasonable to assume that when the
one-thousand room Star Dust is re-
financed and finished, it will add
more luster to the already brilliant
Fifth Street.
(Continued from Page 7)
the Mideast, brought on bv the sharp
demands of Great Britian for more oil
rights on an exclusive and low price
basis! ... I predict that the next in-
ternational scandal will center around
an ex-king and the roving wife of an
OCTOBER 19, 1957
American tycoon, which will rock the
political, social and the theatrical
world and uncover many secret skele-
tons in many closets!
Frank Sinatra: Your next tv venture
will be a one-hour Variety program
with the highest ratings across the
board! London: You can expect the
greatest tie-up strike in all history
with the lawless bands roaming your
empty streets! . . . Hildegarde! Your
musical version of the famous play
“Camille” will be an international
smash hit! . . . Las Vegas: Your new
auditorium will make you the Con-
vention City of the West! . . . Tom
Watson: Your next public announce-
ment for IBM will concern a com-
bined machine which can keep books
with the mere touch of a button! . . .
Canada: Your new export and im-
port laws will increase the cost of
hard liquors by 100% within the next
90 days: . . . Mike Wallace: You will
be given the coveted Celebrity Award
as the most dynamic personality of
the year for your tearless approach to
the problems of today! . . . New
Orleans: Funds will be voted for the
dredging ot the delta resulting in a
boom tor your area in 19o8! . . .
Francis Townsend:Your famous
Townsend Plan will be revived and
become a political issue in 1968 and
19b0 with slight revisions to take care
of our Aged! . . . Erie, Penn.! You will
be chosen as the test advertising city
for new products in 1958! The Erie
housewives will be given about a ton
of samples each, but will be expected
to voice their opinions about the new
products! . . . Vice President Nixon:
Your official autobiography will prove
to be the best seller of the year, and
will be used as a text book in schools,
colleges and universities!
Yes, we are all interested in the
future, for that is where you and 1
are going to spend the rest of our
lives, and remember my friend, each
and every coming event will effect
your personal life in some way! At
this very moment, we have our scien-
tists deep at work on the mystery of
Joe Brown's Horseshoe club
Pioneer Club               Riviera  Mamie Van Doren
wiTHIN the last few weeks,
the World got a brand new
baseball champion; Speedy
Hawaii Kai 111 repeated again in the
were well attended by “Glitter Gulch”
personalities; The Los Angeles Rams
started the league season as dismally
as last year and the first snows have
hit the Charleston resort area. Mean-
while, back along Fremont Street, the
visitors and locals have taken it all
in stride and have gained a few, lost
a few and promoted a few of the fa-
miliar faces all along that busy
thoroughfare. . . . Co-owner LIDO
CLUB, a Nevada resident since 1927,
who was affiliated with Reno’s famed
BANK CLUB for twenty-two active
years, recently celebrated his sixty-
first birthday. Fabulous, along with
his many friends throughout the state,
extend him “Many Happy Returns
of the Day!” . . .
Former Bar Manager of the FRE-
NELLE, has resigned and his place
will be taken by the well-known and
well-liked “MICKEY” MORENO
You’ll look a long while before you
find a friendlier, more efficient and
even tempered bartender as JOHN
DELGADO, the day shift mixerman
at the Casino Bar of the PIONEER
CLUB. JOHN hasn’t had a single
“beef” with co-worker or customer
in all of the two years he's been at
that stationMICKEY PHILLIPS,
pretty and shapely brunette, is the
new dav shift cocktail waitress at the
CALIFORNIA CLUB. . . . Everyone
is happy to see RUTH AGATUCCI,
FREMONT HOTEL waitress back at
her station after a surgery session in
Southern Nevada Memorial Hospital.
. . . FORTUNE Room C W. LA-
VERNE BATTAGLIA is just about
the happiest one gal in FLV. Her
three-year-old son, MIKE, who has
been staying with his grandparents in
Michigan for the past seven months
trained back home the other day and
“Mama” could hardly wait for the
“iron horse” to come to a full stop
before smothering the boy with a
typical motherly greeting! . . . SAM
NIA CLUB bartender, has been pro-
moted to day shift “21 dealer” at the
same spot. His cousin is MIKE
FRANKOVICH, former UCLA foot-
ball great and Los Angeles Sports An-
nouncer who is now a major movie
producer on the European scene. . . .
(Continued on Page 39)
DEER - October 22nd, CARL WIL-
and JIMMY BLAKE - October 23rd.
TER’s Nineteenth Wedding Anniver-
sary - October 25th, NICK KELLY’S
FABULOUS lifts a toast to each
and every one, wishing you good
health, happiness and good fortune
. . . and that’s for sure.
(Continued from Page 11)
BERGER spent a few weeks in the
Tonopah area tracking down the
elusive deer. . . . GOLDEN NUG-
GET Bar Manager ROLAND
GREEN passed out the cigars recent-
ly and celebrated the birth of his
almost seven pound son, ROLAND
ARTHUR. . . .
FORNIA CLUB Co-Owner, was elim-
inated from the State Toumey at the
D.I. Gold Course, it took one whale
of a trick to do it. COCKY was elimi-
nated when DESERT INN Executive
ALLARD ROEN sunk an almost un-
believable forty-foot putt to ice a
“sudden death’ victorv. . . . HANK
licity Director, is spending his ten day
vacation in the San Francisco Bav
handsome and personable suing shift
floor-man at the FORTUNE ROOM,
makes a perfect club host on the
nightly club sponsored sojourns with
visiting firemen along the strip and
into the shows. He makes a very im-
pressive good-will ambassador for the
VAN SANTEN enterprises. . . . PAT
KENDRICK just recentlv joined the
staff of the GOLDEN NUGGET in
the capacity of Cocktail toter on the
swing shift. This cute gal has adopted
Las Vegas as her home since coming
here last February from Redwood
City, California. . . . The “personality
kid” mingling with the patrons at the
CALIFORNIA CLUB is none other
than HARRY TABAK, co-owner. . . .
The PIONEER CLUB has added
OCTOBER 19, 1957
a new twist to their interesting TV
game of “VEGAS VIC-O.” Winners
who participate in this game on the
MARTIN BLACK “Night Owl Show”
now get two delicious VEGAS VIC
Hotdogs plus whatever number comes
up in beautiful VEGAS VIC glasses.
. . ARNY ECKHERT, Security of-
ficer at the FREMONT HOTEL,
spent two weeks vacationing through
the midwest. Along the way ne nicked
up a new Oldsmobile 88 to make the
joumev home a little more pleasant.
. . BOULDER CLUB Cashiers
are back in town following deer hunt-
ing efforts in northern part of the
state. One did — one didn’t! . . .
EVELYN CROSBY has recently been
placed in charge of the Snack Bar
at the PIONEER CLUB. Here’s a
hard working personable gal who has
made the organization a flock of
friends. . . .
Speedv get well wishes to flu bitten
FORNIA CLUB. . . . We were very
sorry to hear of the untimely and un-
expected passing awav last Sundav of
FORNIA CLUB dealer. His remains
were shipped to his Winnsboro, Texas
home for services and burial. . . .
Sometime between now and next
week, give yourself a true gourmet’s
treat and try one of BIFF’S famous
Hamburgers. They’re located in the
West wing of the popular LAS
VEGAS CLUB and the food is as
“more-ish” as any you’ve tasted in a
long while.
Poodle Pups
Panorama's Black Boy
Oscar Ferguson
Observations by Pop Squires — Fabulous Las Vegas Magazine —  Oct 19, 1957
Observations by Pop Squires —
Fabulous Las Vegas Magazine — 
Oct 26, 1957
REPRINTED recently in the
Las Vegas Review Journal
was an article which had ap-
peared in the “United States News
and World Report” entitled, “The
Boom in Nevada.”
The article was well written by
someone who had taken the trouble
to get the truth, and it should be
reprinted in every newsfxiper in this
State. It is devoted mainly to Reno
and Las Vegas, the only towns in the
State of more than five thousand
population. Naturally, as every such
article must, it pertains largely to the
gambling casinos, which have gained
importance because, for the first time
in this country, gangsters and crooks
are being eliminated as fast as the
power of the state can act and gamb-
ling has been placed on a strictly
“percentage basis” upon which casinos
must depend for their profits. But it
does not ignore the important indus-
tries growing up in all jxirts of the
state as the result of cheap power
from Hoover Dam.
In most of Nevada, water is so
scarce that a trickle of rain is played
up in the newspapers as a “Cloud-
burst,” but both Reno and Las Vegas
have made sure of a water supply
sufficient to last for many years. In
all of Clark County, of which Las
Vegas is the county seat, there were,
in 1940, only sixteen thousand people,
(Continued on Page 35)
FABULOUS LAS VEGAS MAGAZINE - PUBLISHED WEEKLY, 1210 Stewart Ave. Publisher: Jack Cortez.
Managing Editor: Bruce Barton Cortez. Business Manager: Lou Ellenson. Associate Editor: Harry Parker.
Art Editor: Joe Vergara. Advertising Manager: Hal Halstead. Staff Photographer: Bernard of Hollywood •
Las Vegas. Address P. O Box 748, Las Vegas, Nevada. Telephone Dudley 4-4922. Accepted as Controlled
Circulation at Las Vegas, Nevada.
VOLUME IX, NUMBER 32 '**5£**> OCTOBER 26, 1957
Copyright by Jack Cortez, Fabulous Las Vegas Magazine, in the United States and Canada. All rights
reserved. No part of this periodical may be reproduced without the consent of Fabulous Las Vegas
Magazine. Subscription rates: One year $8, United States and possessions; $15.00 per year, foreign.
Photo-engraving by A Bar A Engraving Co., 124 S. 3rd St., Phoenix, Ariz.
Printed by Lebeau Printing Co., 2216 W. Granada, Phoenix, Ariz.
OCTOBER 26, 19575
created by BARRY ASHTON, show-
case the beauty and precision dancing
prowess of this top dancing troupe
to perfection. . . . GEORGE RED-
MAN and His ORCHESTRA play
strong musical support for the entire
(Continued from Page 25)
PROSEr'S “Tropicana Revue" en-
titled “You Gotta Be In Love.” Here
is a smartly tailored musical-comedy
package, cohesive in structure and
containing all original music by the
famous composer of “Manhattan Tow-
ers,” GORDON JENKINS. . . . The
show co-stars screen and musical-
comedy star VIVIAN BLAINE and
sings five of the great, new show tunes
as she appears in several skillfully pre-
sented snow within a show” skits that
showcase her glamour and talent to
perfection and add lustre to the over-
all effort. . . . Comedian DICK
SHAWN has hit an all-time high in
his short, zooming career and comes
into his own, not only as an outstand-
ing cabaret comic, but also as an ex-
citing new find for future big musical-
comedy rolls. . . . Supporting the two
brilliant co-stars and appearing
throughout the parade of colorful
“musical vignettes” is an impressive
array of higb ranking talent. Starring
in and out of th^se musical “gems’
GAGE; pixie-ish dancer LIZANNE
and the wonderful BILL NORVAS
SINGERS. . . . Each of the spectacu-
lar production numbers feature the
rare beauty of the TROPICANA
GIRLS, amazing choreography and
lavish staging. . . . NAT BRAND-
the exultant Broadway type musical
score to perfection and provide power-
ful support to the entire package.
To escape criticism . . . live openly.
Who ever heard any scandal about a
OCTOBER 26, 1957
(Continued from Page 5)
now there are more than one hundred
thousand, with fifty-one thousand two
hundred and ninety five living in Las
Vegas. In the growth of industries
there is also expansion of great sig-
In the industrial plants in Hender-
son, a city of twelve thousand people
just to the east of Las Vegas, all are
prosperous because of the large pay-
rolls. In 1956, the sale of products of
the Henderson plants amounted to
one hundred ten million dollars, only
ten million less than the returns from
gambling throughout the entire state.
These Henderson industries are made
possible by electric power from
Hoover Dam.
When the long campaign to make
possible the building of the dam was
underway, the whole State of Ne-
vada, outside of Las Vegas, con-
sidered the project as “purely local”
and that Las Vegas would reap prac-
tically the whole benefit from the
project through the payroll of the
workers. They felt that when the dam
was completed and the workers
moved away then the partv would be
However, some of the farsighted
people in Las Vegas believed that the
chief benefit would come from the
use of power, and wanted the state to
make sure that Nevada should secure,
in advance, its full share of this
power. The people of the other coun-
ties of the state laughed at the idea
and made it quite clear that the state
as a whole would not help finance
such a crazy idea, but a way was
found to partially overcome this dif-
The Southern California Edison
Company, while loudly declaring that
it was not interested in Hoover Dam
power, which must be paid for
whether put to use or not, agreed to
finance the Nevada share of the
power and would release it to Nevada
when needed. This provided a means
where the electric output of the dam
could be financed, assuring, at the
same time, that Nevada could get
power to meet her needs.
The war created a demand for mag-
nesium, and Howard Eeles, who had
a large deposit of the ore, three hun-
dred miles north of Las Vegas,
planned and built the Basic Mag-
nesium Plant Inc., at Henderson.
Politics came into the picture and Mr.
Eeles was crowded out so the gov-
ernment turned the job of completing
the big plant to Anaconda Copper
Company. That corporation sent
Frank O. Case here to take charge,
and he did a wonderful piece of work.
When the war ended, and there was
no further need of magnesium for war
urposes, Mr. Case went back to his
ig job as Vice-President of Anaconda
in New York. It was feared that the
great B.M.I. Plant, a full mile long
and as high as a seven story building,
might be torn down, but the State
of Nevada finally secured the right
to take over the plant and sell or lease
the units to such industries as might
have use for them.
The purely Nevada side of this
story is by no means the most im-
portant one. Some of our Las Vegas
people still remember that a few years
ago Howard Hughes secured from the
government some twenty or twenty-
five acres of unoccupied land west of
Las Vegas. The enterprise was called
“Husite’ and great things were ex-
pected to come of it
For some reason Husite did not ma-
terialize into anything concrete, but
it is understood that Howard Hughes,
the multi-millionaire, still holds the
title to this large body of land.
The important thing from the Las
Vegas viewpoint is that Southern
California, especially the Los Angeles
area, is already pretty well crowded
with great plants and the smog
nuisance has become serious. Some
of the great plants, especially those
manufacturing airplanes in whole, or
in part, are already looking to the Las
Vegas area for sites for new factories
employing tens of thousands of men.
Another significant thing is that
the Las Vegas area is about the only
OCTOBER 26, 1957
— Scan from the Over50Vegas.com Collection — Fabulous Las Vegas Magazine —
Oct 26,1957 —
part of the United States offering the
advantages of an ample supply of
water and all of the other things
needed for great plants. When, in the
not too distant future, the march of
great plants to more expansive and
secure areas becomes acute, Las
Vegas will become a “boom town” in
truth, and property in this area will
reach valuations never before
dreamed of. There is no moral to this
story. A few of the wise ones already
see the picture and are preparing to
profit by the growth of the new Las
(Continued from Page 7)
few of the larger companies have on
certain areas. This is known to be a
fight to the bitter end. Miiny motor-
ists are storing gasoline in one-hun-
dred gallon drums in their garages!
Fire departments have issued warn-
ings on how to store it! . . . April 18,
1958: The first successful push-but-
ton airplane, loaded with United
States Mail, was flown today from
New York to Los Angeles, non-stop,
but with the mechanical dropping of
mail bags by parachute in ten dif-
ferent pre-selected spots!
Vice President Nixon: You will pre-
side over a top level Diplomatic Meet
in Paris before 1957 becomes his-
tory. In this gathering the fate of
Gibraltar will be decided! . . . Holly-
wood: You will vote Mike Todd your
number one citizen for his amazing
motion pictures, and for his knack of
getting favorable publicity! . . . Skia-
tron: You will find many bugs in
your method of selling paid TV to
the home owner! . . . Movie House
Owners: Your two biggest motion
picture box office successes for 1958
will be “Raintree County” and “Pey-
ton Place” with “St. Louis Blues” run-
ning third! . . . Mickey Rooney: Your
next venture will be a series of movies
based on the “Earthworm Tractor
Salesman,” the famed Saturday Eve-
ning Post series! C. W. Westin, Jr.:
Your new Precon (ESP) for control-
ling the emotion of a movie viewer
Observations by Pop Squires — Fabulous Las Vegas Magazine —  Oct 26, 1957
Observations by Pop Squires —
Fabulous Las Vegas Magazine —  
July 12, 1958
NOT LONG ago we had the
pleasure of visiting one of
the most interesting old
ranches in this part of the country —
the ranch of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Oliver — about twenty miles southwest
of Las Vegas, near the road to the
old Potosi Mine. The place was more
interesting to me because more than
forty years ago, when as part owner
of the famous Potosi mine, I passed
that way many times in a wagon
drawn by a tired team. In those days
teams were always tired, and the
speed of travel was approximately
two miles an hour.
Enclosed by sheltering hills with a
background of the gigantic sandstone
cliff to the west, this ranch seems like
a little world of its own, planned espe-
cially for the comfort and conveni-
ence of those trying to get close to
the heart of nature. Rambling stone
ranch buildings, the grateful shade of
many trees, streams of running wa-
ter, a beautiful swimming pool, fields
of grain, gardens and orchards, all
add their charm to the place.
However, to me, the most interest-
ing thing about this locality is the
history connected with it.
It was about one hundred and four-
teen years ago that a tired, thirsty
and harassed band of men led by
General John C. Fremont came strug-
gling through Mountain Pass at the
west end of Potosi Mountain and
camped the night of May 2, 1844, at
(Continued on Page 10)
in the
BLISS Hand Packed
1401 North 5th Streot
West Charleston Blvd.
Henderson, Nevada
Boulder City, Nevada
(Continued from Page 5)
one of the many springs in the neigh-
borhod. Describing the journey from
Mountain Pass, Fremont wrote:
“The next day, in a short but rough
ride of twelve miles, we crossed the
mountain, and descending to a small
valley plain, encamped at the foot of
the ridge, on the bed of a creek,
where we found good grass in suffi-
cient quantity and an abundance of
water in holes. The range was ex-
tremely broken and rugged, present-
ing on this side a continued precipice,
and probably affords few passes.
Many digger tracks are seen around
us but no Indians were visible.”
So General Fremont gave us this
brief but very accurate description of
the place where his weary party
camped over one hundred and four
years ago, and this bit of stirring his-
tory gives the Oliver Ranch some of
its romance and color.
One of these days, when plans for
complete development of this proper-
ty can be carried out, this famous
ranch — formerly owned by Chet
Lauck, one of the famous Lum and
Abner radio and movie team, but now
the property of Mrs. Vera Krupp, ex-
wife of a German gun manufacturer
— and one or two others in that lo-
cality will be among the most famous
ranch homes in Nevada. For “dude
ranch” enterprises, Las Vegas is for-
tunate in having this foothill region
where the altitude is high enough to
avoid the high summer temperatures
of the valley, to entertain the hun-
dreds of thousands of visitors who
will be seeking our pleasures in the
years to come.
The Krupp Ranch is also a famous
old place. When we first came here
it was owned by an old desert pros-
pector named Wilson, and he with his
Indian wife and her two half breed
sons, Jim and Teed, lived there. In the
early days when Mrs. Helen J. Stew-
art lived at the old Vegas Ranch she
(Continued on Page 12)
Bond's Jewelers
Home of quality diamonds
300 Fremont
DAVID MING'S oriental house
Come in and browse around
Exquisite jewelry in Jade —
Ivory • Hand carved figurines
Chess sets • Planters • Dolls
Ceramics • Baskets • Cos-
tumes • Jars • Vases and many
other Oriental Art Goods.
1. Oriental Art Carved Blackwood —
Rosewood & Teakwood Furnitures
(Table shown above) $275.
1. White Porcelain
Wrought Iron
(Continued from Page 10)
engaged an Irishman, a graduate of
Oxford, whom she had known in Pi-
oche, to tutor her children, and these
two boys rode their horses to the
Stewart Ranch every morning and at-
tended school there. Later the elder
Wilson died and his body was burned
on a funeral pyre according to the
Indian custom. Jim died many years
ago, but his brother, Teed, was quite
crippled and the last we heard of
him he was still living in a cabin on
the ranch.
The old Potosi Mine figures in the
days when the missionaries were set-
tling the old Ranch here in Las Ve-
gas. The Indians told them that there
was a large quntity of lead ore at the
Potosi Mountain and that it could be
easily mined. A group of the settlers
went out to look at the prospect and
they reported to Brigham Young. He
sent a party down from Salt Lake
City, headed by Nathaniel V. Jones,
to investigate with instruction that if
the ore was found in sufficient quan-
tities to make it worthwhile, to go
ahead and form a company and begin
work at once. He told of the need of
hurrying with this work as the people
in the settlements were eager for lead
with which to make ammunition for
The group left for the mine early in
August 1856, and took with them six
yoke of cattle, and three wagons in
order to work the road and to dig
out the spring near the mine. The
group was under the leadership of
Almon Fullmer and he was instructed
to begin getting out the lead at once
and to take the loads to the nearest
settlement and barter them for flour.
This seemed to be the only way to
sustain these men who were almost
destitute of provisions. Considerable
ore was taken out, but finally the
workers were called back to Las Ve-
gas as they were constantly in trouble
with the Indians. A few years later,
about 1910, the mine was worked with
great success by a Salt Lake Company
and millions were taken out.
— Scan from the Over50Vegas.com Collection — Fabulous Las Vegas Magazine — July 12, 1958 —   
Observations by Pop Squires — Fabulous Las Vegas Magazine —  July 12, 1958
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