The hotel Elwell was located at 200 S. 1st St. at Carson behind the Pioneer Club.
In 1965 the pioneer club purchased the hotel Elwell and renamed it the pioneer club hotel. The hotel was sold and became the Golden Hotel.
The Golden Nugget bought the Golden Hotel in 1984 and built a parking garage on the site.
ChipBoy Jim Collection

200 S 1st

Las Vegas, NV


Hotel Elwell

1946 to 1965

Hotel Elwell Las Vegas, NV casino ad
Hotel Elwell Las Vegas, NV Matchcover creme
Hotel Elwell Las Vegas, NV Matchcover Green
202 Bar at the Hotel Elwell Las Vegas, NV Matchcover
Hotel Elwell Las Vegas “Do Not Disturb” door hanger and a postcard all in one!
Here’s a collectible I had never seen before ChipBoyJim shared it with me.
It’s a “Do Not Disturb” door hanger and a postcard all in one!
Postmark on the card is 1953!
There were only three known types of chips used at the Hotel Elwell and they are shown below
Courtesy of the ChipBoy Jim Collection!
Hotel Elwell Las Vegas matchcovers
Corner of First and Carson. Hotel Elwell, New Pioneer Club Hotel, Golden Hotel, and Golden Nuggett Parking structure at 200 S. 1st St.
In the tourist photo above from 1964 you are looking down South First Street from Fremont.
You can see the Hotel Elwell at 200 S. 1st, the Paddock Race Book at 124 S. 1st.,
Saratoga Club at 114 S. 1st St. and Mike’s Liquors.
ell at 200 S. 1st, the Paddock Race Book at 124 S. 1st., Saratoga Club at 114 S. 1st St. and Mike’s Liquors.
Two views of the Elwell Hotel in downtown Las Vegas before and after it was enlarged in 1954.
William Elwell and his two sisters, Mrs. Naomi Uptigrove and Mrs. Doris Brown, built the Elwell Hotel at First and Carson Streets in 1946 on property long owned by the family.
They were the children of one of the early settlers of Las Vegas. 
In 1954 the hotel was enlarged to 117 rooms.  William Elwell was a University of Nevada regent and Las Vegas city commissioner and he passed away in August 1963.
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Sources you might want to visit for more information include: 
Newspaper Archive   UNLV Digital Collection    UNLV Reno   Las Vegas Sun   
TCR numbers are used by express permission of SSS Publishing publishers of The Chip Rack.
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