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Las Vegas, NV



ircus Room

circa 195

4 to 1989?

Excerpt from an interview with Estralita C. Williams:
Well, they used to have this restaurant, this little hot dog place downtown called Circus Room, Circus Room hot dog. If you never had a Circus Room hot dog, you ain't never ate a hot dog, okay? This big guy used to cook these hot dogs. Ooh, they were off the chain good. Oh, my gosh, they were good. After I left EOB [Economic Opportunity Board] I went to work for Centel Telephone. They were downtown. Circus Room was around the corner from there. I ate at Circus Room every day. The hamburgers were good, but the hot dog was very good. That's what I remember. And Chic Hecht had a store across the street, a clothing store for women across the street. All this was on Fremont Street, off that street.     
(from:  Interview with Estralita C. Williams, An Oral History Conducted by B. Leon Green   UNLV Digital Collections) 
Another mention that I found, although it is not well sourced or verified:
"Bill and Mary McCade were the owners of a hot dog place on Fremont Street called the Circus Room.
They came to Vegas from Chicago in the late 40's early 50’s…...All of the hot dogs were named after circus related performers or acts......
(from- Classic Las Vegas)
Circus Room was listed in every Las Vegas phone book from 1955 to 1989 in the white pages and yellow pages under "restaurant".
The Circus Room was located at 523 Fremont (Fremont @ 6th across from the El Cortez)
According to a short mention in the June 5th, 1954 issue of Fabulous Las Vegas Magazine the owners were G. L. Gordon and Mrs. Melba.
It is listed in Fullers Index 1954 to 1962, but no owners names or gaming types.
It is not listed in the ChipGuide or Chip Rack-14.
Circus Room was listed in every Las Vegas phone book from 1955 to 1989 in the white pages and yellow pages under "restaurant".
Excerpt from the FLV article:
Welcome to a new business on Fremont, namely the Circus Room. Their specialty will be "great gobs of jackpots”, enhanced with the dispensing of glamorized hot dogs, Orange Julius, and root beer. The co-owners GL Gordon and Mrs. Melba were busily engaged in trying to meet their grand opening on election day. We wish them every success. The wall mural depicting a sideshow motif was done by another newcomer to the business life in our city, Fred Pons, who has just begun a new sign service at 905 South Main. Fred is a former scenery artist from Columbia Pictures and came to Las Vegas as the art director of KLAS-TV. Fred did a terrific job on the mural in the Circus Room. Stop in and see it on Fremont at sixth. Fred's business is already growing so fast that he is making plans for enlarging his staff. 
(June 5, 1954  FLV  by J. Foster Fudge  page 25)
Circus Room Las Vegas Keycase

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Sources you might want to visit for more information include: 
Newspaper Archive   UNLV Digital Collection    UNLV Reno   Las Vegas Sun   
TCR numbers are used by express permission of SSS Publishing publishers of The Chip Rack.
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