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300 Block of Fremont street in 2012 including the old El Portal Theatre.
Below is a photo I took of the 300 block of Fremont street in 2012.
This area had several important non-gaming businesses in the past.
Today one of the most famous places is still there thanks to folks who saved and restored the building.
The El Portal Theater is now a gift shop but over the years was
a major hub of family entertainment in early Las Vegas.
Bond's Jewelers  300 Fremont in old Las Vegas, NV
Bond's Jewelers was around for many years.
It was located where the gift shop is located now.
The El Portal location has survived for many years. Below is a close-up of the current location,
an ad from 1965, a phone book listing from 1944.
El Portal sign at the Neon Museum in Las Vegas
El Portal Theater in 1928, William Pike, Ernie Craigin,
Here's the same view down the
300 block in the 1960's where the
El Portal is showing the "Severed Arm" and the "Killing Kind" !
The sign you see in the photo is the same one you see resting in the Neon Museum above.
Down the street is the Red Garter, The Fremont, and The Mint Tower.
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Sources you might want to visit for more information include: 
Newspaper Archive    Newspapers.com   UNLV Digital Collection    UNLV Reno   Las Vegas Sun     mypubliclibrary.com   
TCR numbers are used by express permission of SSS Publishing publishers of The Chip Rack.
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