1 Fremont Street Las Vegas, NV
Sal Sagev
(Page 2)
1931 to 1955
The PGG Collection shared this rare glass swizzle stick from the Sal Sagev Tavern to go with the Sal Sagev Tavern match covers!
The Hotel Nevada, later the Sal Sagev, was famous for having the first telephone in Las Vegas installed and their phone number of course was ‘1’.
Chipboy Jim took this photo of an authentic 1907 Kellogg Telephone that was on display in later years in the Golden Gate Casino.
A great collectible postcard of early Las Vegas.
The writer of the card wishes the recipient,
"... a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous Year of 1940."
Looking east on Fremont Street in the 1940's.
The PGG collection shared these images of their outstanding Sal Sagev collectibles
including a water glass, hotel dinner plate, coffee cup with saucer, ashtray, towel, and menu.
You can read the whole menu by clicking on the four images below to enlarge each section in a new window.
On the matchcover to the left
is the name John F. Miller,
Managing owner.
A wide variety of Sal Sagev and related matchbooks.
Some very old matchbooks from Lehman's Café
in the Sal Sagev Hotel.
Note the phone number is '10' on the book above.
ChipBoyJim took this photo of one of the original Sal Sagev Hotel benches when it was still in the Golden Gate Hotel in 2003.
I wonder where it might be now?
The inset below shows a close-up of the carving in the middle of the bench.