N. 1st St.

Las Vegas, NV


Lido Bar




Listed in the 1944
Las Vegas telephone book as follows:
The Lido Bar
107 N 1st............1106
Proprietor Anna Mae Weller
Note the matchbook has Burt Weller and John Novara named.
It is also listed in the 1945 Murphy's Business Directory.
The Lido Bar is not listed in the 1930 or the 1939 phone directory.
Lido Bar in the 1944 las vegas phone book
Nevada Bar, Swinging Door Saloon, Lido Bar, Busy Bee Cafe Las Vegas
In the photo below you can see a few more properties along the same area of North 1st Street
The very top of the sign for the Nevada Bar
115 N. 1st    Nevada Bar  1930's-c.-1953 Listing) In 1939 it was listed as the as Nevada “Club”
111 N 1st  Swinging Door Saloon (1952 -1956 Listings)
107 N 1st   Lido Bar  c. 1940's (1945 -1956 listing)
105 N 1st   Busy Bee Cafe (1945-1956 Listing)
Photo below is from Nevada Armored Transport, Inc. 1946-1984 FB page.
Swinging Door Saloon Las vegas 1950's
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Sources you might want to visit for more information include: 
Newspaper Archive    Newspapers.com   UNLV Digital Collection    UNLV Reno   Las Vegas Sun     mypubliclibrary.com   
TCR numbers are used by express permission of SSS Publishing publishers of The Chip Rack.
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